Published Feb 14. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 27. 2020

#45 - Deep Green Beauty

Tied by: Gary P. Tanner Originated by: Gary P. Tanner, a variation of Carrie Stevens Green Beauty Hook: Partridge CS17 Ken Baker Thread: Black 8/0...

#45 Dark Green Beauty - Gary P. Tanner

Tied by: Gary P. Tanner
Originated by: Gary P. Tanner, a variation of Carrie Stevens Green Beauty

Hook: Partridge CS17 Ken Baker
Thread: Black 8/0
Tag: Oval gold tinsel
Butt: Dubbed black beaver underfur
Body: Bright yellow Uni-floss
Throat: UV minnow flash under golden pheasant crest
Wing: Claret polar bear
Underwing: 2 pairs saddle hackles dyed deep green
Cheeks: Wood duck
Eye: Jungle cock
Head: Black
Tutorial: Click here for a step by step photo tutorial for tying the Deep Green Beauty

Notes: The Deep Green Beauty has proved itself on both Atlantic and landlocked salmon to date. Obviously, its put together like many of the Stevens-style streamers, and Gary is happy to give all the attribution to the streamers that have gone before. Gary has changed up the colors and the "accutrements." Gary dyed a white Whiting saddle with a Jacquard acid dye combination, and came up with the color you see. The "underwing" is claret polar bear, and interesting contrast to the otherwise dark colors of the streamer. Gary says "My delightful (and very Irish) companion Bridget said, when she saw the chunk of polar bear and the saddle lying on the drying table, that they were great Celtic colors, and would look great together. Who am I to argue with that?".

For more info on Gary's flies and a few other streamers gems, have a look here.


Comment to #45 - Deep Green Beauty...

This sure is a beauty. Very nice fly Gary! But you know already that i like it!!!

Comment to #45 - Deep Green Beauty...

Beauty indeed!! Thanks for the link to the tutorial. Great!

Comment to #45 - Deep Green Beauty...

Gary, love this version. Every time I hear the name of this fly, I think of you. The pattern is great, but I think it must be your favorite streamer of all time. You did a splendid job on this fly, love it!


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