Published Dec 29. 2013 - 10 years ago
Updated or edited Dec 16. 2015

What is...

This new section of small articles is aimed at the absolute beginner or the one who doesn't fly-fish or tie flies, and has no idea about the concepts of casting or fishing a fly.

What is... - We try to explain fly-fishing concepts and terms
What is...
Martin Joergensen

The articles in this section are very basic and relatively short. They try to explain a fly-fishing concept or piece of gear in a very easy to understand manner. Most Global FlyFisher readers will already know most of what is written here, but since we get lot of very new anglers (and non-anglers) visiting and can see from the searches that people are looking for this information, I thought it natural to add a sort of "dictionary of fly-fishing and fly-tying terms".

The articles are going to try to answer really basic questions such as "what is fly-fishing?", "what is a fly rod?" and "what is a fishing fly?", but also go into more detailed terms such as "what is a dry fly?" and "what is a double haul?".

It's my intention to let this section grow slowly. I already have a long list of questions to answer, but will gladly welcome more.

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