Published Dec 18. 2021 - 2 years ago
Updated or edited Dec 18. 2021

GFF Newsletter: Articles from all around the globe

The Global FlyFisher

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Simply the Best Place to go for Online Fly Fishing and Fly Tying
Dec 18. 20211x1

It's been a while since the last newsletter, but that's the nature of the correspondence between me and you using this channel: I write these when I feel for it and when enough new content has been published. I don't want to fill your electronic mailbox with regular but irrelevant content containing nothing new.

But now there's actually new stuff to tell about. You will find the links below, but in no particular order I can recommend:

  • Malaysian Dron Lee's two patterns the Rattle.Bum.Popper and the Mice Gugger.
  • Danish Nils Folmer Jorgensen's piece on selecting single hand seven weight rods for salmon fishing is nerdy, yes, but Nils knows the game from Iceland.
  • A great beginner's book by Barry Ord Clarke, an Englishman living in Norway.
  • A great 3D-printed tool from Siberian Ramil Yamaliev.
  • German Florian Baumann's reports from excellent saltwater fishing in Sardinia.
  • And my own article on visiting linked (articulated) flies from 25 years ago.

So, how's that for a globe-spanning menu? In these articles you will get in contact with Malaysia, Siberia, Germany, Italy, Iceland and Denmark! There's a reason why the site is called Global FlyFisher.

With that I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, hoping you enjoyed this year on GFF and will keep following the site in 2022.


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The Global FlyFisher

Simply the Best Place to go for Online Fly Fishing and Fly Tying


Martin Joergensen
Feel free to contact me regarding this newsletter.


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