[b:30be772ecb]Pumpkin (October) Caddis[/b:30be772ecb]
DaiRiki 125 scud hook 14-16 or so. Hot orange ParaPost so it runs fore and aft. Small clump of fox squirrel pointing forward. Brown duck flank feather pointing forward. Pull teh whole forward mess backwards and make a head with 2-3 whip wraps. Wind twice horizontally, from the base of the butt up to the eye and over the eye and then back again, loosely basting some brown Zelon to the bottom of the fly as you go. Trim the Zelon to length. Fuss with it to get it distributed nicely. Now glue the horizontal legs in place as a final step. Almost any glue will work. I use ZapAGap. But even head cement will do it.