Tube Phlyz...
The forums are very quiet
The Global FlyFisher forum has existed for almost as long as the site, and the oldest posts are more than 20 years old. Forums aren't what they used to be. Social media has taken over a lot of their roles, and the GFF form is very quiet ... to put it mildly.
We keep everything online for the sake of history, and preserve the posts for as long as possible, but as you will see, quite a few of them aren't in a good shape, but rely on old images hosted elsewhere, which are no longer available, odd codes from old systems and much more, which can't be shown in a decent way.
But the posts are here, and you can - if you insist - start new threads. But don't stay awake waiting for replies, because they are unfortunately few and far apart.
Nice flies!
Nice flies!
Kasper Mühlbach
Thanks for the kind words...
There is a short second junction tube tyed/epoxied into the head for better balance and a more natural dead hook forward DualTube design is a bit of an arts/crafts epoxy project so I tend not to use them when there are abusive toothy critters cruisin' for trouble...
Similar in swimming appearance to large flatwings but with an epoxy head, BIG eyez, and interchangeable hooks (heavy=deep / light=shallow)...
Always lookin' for new tricks...
I don't normally use formal "recipes" but start with a phuzzy notion and run with it...
Any and all constructive criticism worksforme...
How's the Canal? I guess I
How's the Canal? I guess I can say that I grew up hunting and fishing on The Cape. I use to walk The Cape side of the canal from the Sagamore to the Bourne with a shotgun, hunting upland game. Don't think I could do that now and stay out of jail. Caught a lot of salters in Scorton Creek and the Mashpee River in the Fall. You do any of that kind of fishing. And Santuit Pond was the best bass pond in the state. But of course the stripers were the main line. Nothing like it.
\'Apologies for the previous rookie double post...
...perhaps the kind "hall monitor" will fix and/or deep-six the inadvertent hickup?!
Esox...Yesterdaze Canal bears no resemblance to the bi-polar current edition!
After dark, a shot gun would probably enhance safe passage but would spawn a grievance from the armed predators who would otherwise be breaking into your parked vehicle...
The Cape kettle ponds produce well year around but the seasonal transient headliners wear stripes and winter in warmer waters...So it goes!
Gulf Stream possibilities...
Same notion as before with a twist...
So what year is the dime?
So what year is the dime?
1945 interesting year
[u:1d6947651c][b:1d6947651c]1945[/b:1d6947651c][/u:1d6947651c] interesting year and not just another "scale" indicator :roll:
I'm just throwin' out fuzzy notions...
Phur/Phlash/Pheathers with the innocent intention to share some ideas, meet new friends, and tye off the beaten path...
I don't have any recipes...'just a picture in my mind and a pile of naturals and synthetics to play around with to make it happen...
The ugle stuff get sacrificed to the Yellow Eyed Phly Shredders (Blues)...
The seasonal transitory striped hungry visitors are the ultimate critics and I've been able to frequently entice them with my phishy insinuations...
SoFarSoGood...from the new kid on the block... :wink: [/b]
>>>>I don't have any recipes.
>>>>I don't have any recipes...'just a picture in my mind and a pile of naturals and synthetics to play around with to make it happen... <<<<
I just about never tie from a recipie. The same way that I cook. I just follow my nose.
Tight rope tying without a net...
When I come up with something that looks promising, it goes in my R&D prototype box.
When the Striped focus group gives a good review, more of the same are tyed...
Too bad quality long neck hackles are getting so challenging to come by... :x
FreeStyle tying can lead to creative discoveries! :wink:
Tube flies
G'day from Australia. This is my first post on this site.
I've been a fly fisho & tier for many years, learnt to fish as soon as I could walk.
In Australia tube flies are rarely seen and I don't know of anyone who ties them so, I thought I'd give it a go. I have the required gadgets to commence tying but am inexperienced in the commencing & finishing process when cone heads are used. Do I glue the cone heads on?
With the drought in Australia many of our inland water ways have all but dried up and the Trout have suffered. So, we are getting more & more into saltwater flyfishing. Tube flies look like a great way to go for saltwater.
With copper tubing is it always necessary to jam plastic tubing inside & if so is it glued in?
This is a great forum and an ideal place to pick up tips & new ideas.
Re: Tube flies
Regarding your tube fly questions:
[quote:81c2110281="Warren Rankin"]in the commencing & finishing process when cone heads are used. Do I glue the cone heads on?[/quote:81c2110281]
Nope. The easiest way is to use a "liner"- a thin inner plastic tube that runs through the outer tube. When the fly is done, you run the inner tube through the cone and the fly and melt it in both ends. That will keep the cone in place. You can add glue, but it is usually not necessary.
[quote:81c2110281="Warren Rankin"] With copper tubing is it always necessary to jam plastic tubing inside & if so is it glued in?[/quote:81c2110281]
Nope again. Same technique - just without the cone. Run a thin liner through the copper tube and melt a collar in both ends, before or after you have tied the fly depending on temper - and the danger of the fly catching fire...
I am currently working on a large tube fly theme and all these questions (and many, many more) will be answered and illustrated. Here is a sample showing your coned fly:
I expect this theme to be ready within a week or so.
Hello there,
Penguin very nice job. Thanks for new inspiration!!! Big, castable, atractive.. hopefully good working... Perfect, Iam looking forward to test them..
when my Kenny Abrames RLS hackles are gone...
Whitting Eurohackles will work...
here's a DualTube before being cut back...
some epoxy body work and you've got a DualTubeBallyhoo...
or, if you prefer...
[b:3c099631f7]standard issue...single tube phlyz[/b:3c099631f7]...buffet style...
Excellent flies in your latest batch! Love your tubez!
And yes, the Eurohackles are fine feathers for large streamers and saltwater flies. And great for the Abrames style flies.
dual tube on youtube
Apologies if the direct link is not acceptable...
If you go to and search for "dual tube" you will find a 2:30 minute sequential done by Craig at HMH...
Re: dual tube on youtube
[quote:dcdfb11693="Penguin"]Apologies if the direct link is not acceptable...[/quote:dcdfb11693]
No problem with the link. Excellent little slide show, which shows nicely what the dual tube is.
das Tubular Toolz...
[u:3ebdc4beec][b:3ebdc4beec]an unsolicited personal shameless HMH promotion...[/b:3ebdc4beec][/u:3ebdc4beec]
there I wuzzz...
For years I've been a big fan of my antique HMH Standard Vise and the Premium Tube Tool...
After an enjoyable telephonic visit with the Right Honourable Proprietor and ManAboutTown John Albright, I decided it was time to try the HMH Tube Vise Converter...
and now...
I've drank the kool-aid, tied some flyz, and been resoundingly CONVERTED!
Unlike the quite [i:3ebdc4beec]"universal"[/i:3ebdc4beec] HMH Tube Tool, the TUBE CONVERTER [u:3ebdc4beec][i:3ebdc4beec]replaces[/i:3ebdc4beec][/u:3ebdc4beec] the interchangeable HMH jaws...'takes all of about 30 seconds...
This well thought out device holds the small pre-cut tubez with attached junction tube NICELY...and rounds out an already brilliant vise design...
It will also hold the large 1/8" rigid tubes but [i:3ebdc4beec]without[/i:3ebdc4beec] the junction tube or the large mandrel for added support/stiffness...
The [i:3ebdc4beec]small tubes [/i:3ebdc4beec]are prefectly suited for this device since a section of junction material can be added prior to any tying...
The CONVERTER makes crankin' out my moderately sized saltwater insinuations a piece-of-cake...
HMH Tube Fly Converter meets Tuffleye. Acrylic..
Tuffleye BigEyez herring insinuation...
As always amazing flies from your hands!
And thanks for your opinion on the HMH vise.
Thanks Martin...
[b:7bee92e28d]Thanks Martin...[/b:7bee92e28d]
[i:7bee92e28d](Approachin' 10K views...Who woulda' thunk?!)[/i:7bee92e28d]
In an attempt to bring the centre of gravity slightly forward on this [i:7bee92e28d]single[/i:7bee92e28d] tube version, I wrapped in some added ballast way up front under the eyez...
The head was finished with Tuffleye acrylic...I hear that there is a "soft" clear version in the works...SIGN ME UP!
With a 3/0 Signature Series Tarpon hook, the end result was a nice swimming action in the Orvus Hydrodynamic Fly Drowning Simulation tank...
Plumps up nicely and moves even when it's standin' still...looked goodtome...
The ballast procedure was a lot less involved and quicker than my DualTube alternative...
The Tube Fly Converter and Tuffleye continue to impress...
A Striped Focus Group will get to judge and decide...none too soon!
R& welding?!
DualTube meets PhlexPhlyz...
The eyez and material comprising the head are welded in place with Tuffleye FLEX...