This nymph was originally tyed by Cliff Zug in the 1930s and is still very popular with many anglers today..
Materials Used;
Hook, Fulling Mill All-Purpose Medium size 14
Thread, Uni-8/0 Black
Tail, Peacock Sword
Rib, Oval Silver Tinsel
Body. Peacock Herl
Hackle, Furnace Hen
Thorax Cover Mallard Flank dyed Lemon Duck...
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Zug Bug Memories
Thanks, Davie, for revisiting this old classic. The first fly I ever cast some 60 years ago was a Zug Bug and while I was struggling to learn to fish and tie flies the Zug Bug and Hornberg were the only flies in my humble box. I will always have a special place in my heart for those classic flies.