Hello All
I'd like to inform you that on 19th and 20th of May the Third Annual Italian Bamboo Rodmakers Association gathering will be held in Sansepolcro(Arezzo - Tuscany). The gathering is open to all who are interested in Bamboo Flyrods, Rodmakes and FF in general so you are all invited. Some of the finest European and Italian Rodmakers will be present and will hold talks on some interesting aspects regarding Bamboo rodmaking.
The programme is as follows:
Saturday Morning
1. Alberto Portelli will discuss his method for Bamboo Ferrules
2. Friers The function of the ferrule in general and a comparison
of the bamboo ferrule to the conventional metal ferrule 11,00 - 12,00
3. H.J. Slecht The construction of the FIBH ferrule. Hans - will contruct a Bamboo ferrule step by step
3. Marco Giardina will discuss RodDna
4. Gabriele Gori will discuss the characteristics of bamboo rod sections
At 17.00 we will all go fishing in the nearby Tail water with bamboo rods, brownies and grayling
Saturday evening there will be the Gala Dinner at 9.00 PM
1. Gabriele Gori will conduct a brief talk on Brunner
2. Gabriele Gori and Albano Barbiani will discuss Hollow-built rods
3. Strixner will discuss nodeless rod building
In the afternoon we will try out all the rods which will be exhibited by some of the best Italian and European Rodmakers including the first rods made by our students during our First Rodmaking seminar which was held last autumn.
For further information please contact either Gabriele Gori or the undersigned. Our contact details can be found on our website www.rodmakers.it under Rodmakers.
Hope to see you there!!
Moreno Borriero
IBRA Italian Bamboo Rodmakers Association
Tel +39 (0) 583 909 123
Fax +39 (0) 583 908 968
Mobile +39 340 496 3582