Hi, fellow brothers. Just wanted to tell you that we have decided to release the new Norwegian fly fishing film [b:514fca131d][i:514fca131d]ÃËrretboms 2[/i:514fca131d][/b:514fca131d] in English this time.
We released the flyfishing film [b:514fca131d][i:514fca131d]ÃËrretboms - med fluefiske som livsstil[/i:514fca131d][/b:514fca131d] in 2004, and got so many kind words from hardcore flyfishers around the country and great reviews in different magazines (The Norwegian [i:514fca131d]Alt om Fiske[/i:514fca131d], [i:514fca131d]Vi Menn[/i:514fca131d] and the national newspaper [i:514fca131d]Dagbladet[/i:514fca131d] that we have decided to release the new film in English too this time and not only Norwegian.
I hope you will enjoy it when it's released spring 2007. You are velcome at the release party at Nordisk Fiskeutstyr in Oslo or meet and talk flies and share experiences at the Danish Fly Festival, 2007.
[b:514fca131d]ÃËrretboms 2[/b:514fca131d]is all about fishing brown trout with imitations and we show for example very difficult 3 pound large browns in a glass clear river, which suddenly take the right emerger after we've changed flies 5 times during the start of a Ephemerella aurivillii hatch, to a 4 pounder in a desolate river up north that suddenly begins to rise among his 2 pound friends...A film about flies, brown trouts and friendship...
[b:514fca131d]A FILM BY ODDPRODUCTIONS[/b:514fca131d]