Published Aug 14. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 8. 2015

Cook Islands

Hi Guys, just back from another great trip to Rarotonga, it realy is a fantastic place, lots of fish and other sea life for playing with, snorkeling, fishing etc.
I went out with a local skipper and managed the fish of the day, trolling not fly fishing
Plus had couple of walks around the area next our hotel with a fly rod and managed to catch many fish, Bluefin trevally, Hexagon Grouper, Cornet fish, Wrasse, Piccasso fish and many others that I do not know what they are called!
Here are a couple:
All in all a great vacation, good weather, friendly locals, too much beer and lots of swimming and snorkeling, including seeing Turtles and stingrays, it does not get much better than that!
All the best.


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