Me and Mindaugas are comming early morning on friday the 21st. we are ready to fish whole day . it might be that also two latvian brothers will join as well. we would rent a car, so thansports is not an issue ?
does anyone from locals can join us?
can you give a word to people that we are very gentle guys :D
also i think we need to think where to sleep. i guess the best woulbe to be (sleep not fish)arround summit place . Maybe samee hostel??
You are always on vacation :shock: , can you join?
People on this list have a bed in the hostel - provided they booked one... and pay me.
There are more beds available there, and you can probably still fit in in one of our 8-bed rooms. We're 27 in thos rooms and a little math says that there must be... ehr... 5 beds available. If you or your friends need that, please let me know ASAP. We closed the booking a long time ago, but I might still fix something.
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What a shame on me..... sleepless night in Amsterdam is a reason... originaly I was planing to come on thursday . That is why i had some concerns regarding accomodation from thursday to friday.
Now my plans are changed and I am coming on Friday and hostel is already booked , so no need to warry.
Me and Mindaugas are in the list and tomorrow we will transfer 1400DK for both of us ..
Sorry for a mess.
But I still have question about fishing in early friday. Can you suggesta place?
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There are probably several people who will fish Friday, and I'm sure that you will have company. Regarding a location, Ripley will be the right person to ask. There are other locals on our list, and I will rely on them to answer you.
Fyn is a good place to fish because there is always a place, which can be fished - almost no matter the wind.
I will post my own plans for the Friday when I get more details on the logostics of the weekend, but I also expect to do some fishing before we meet at the hostel.
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You know me - as visada atostogauju :D
Your welcome to join me as long as you bring "alu Svyturys" - and plenty of them, galbut degtine?
We can fish until about 15:00 then head of to the accommodation in Odense to meet the rest of the tribe and brag about all the fish we have caught :wink:
Contact me (, and we can confirm a time and meeting place on the Friday.
Those that know me will know where I'll be taking you and the fish you'll probably catch :wink:
Iki ir gero kelio.
Pasistengsiu nesugaudyti visu zuvu ir paliksiu jums:)
Later dudes
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Martin, all clear!Thanks
Seems Ripley will take care on us during first part of friday.
That was a serious answer.
I didnt pull your tang off... what is said is said. I bring as much as possible Svyturys and you show a secret!
(Rolandas Mincinauskas)
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Hi Ripley,
Now the time of the summit is getting nearer and nearer and I want to ask you, what's
going on fishing wise?
I think this is a question all the joiners would have.
Could you recommend the last time and give a statement what we could expect?
I'll also arrive on Friday until noon, but that depends on the traffic.
Perhaps we can meet and fish together?
Could you leave your phone number (
Kind regards
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I cannot miss fridayôs fishing either. Where is the venue? :roll:
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Hi guys, me and Jan is coming to odense sometimes around 12 @ friday and we are both very eager to fish.
If there is some special maillist for the friday och any contact sheet please let me know!
my email is
best regards Fredrik
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People on this list have a bed in the hostel - provided they booked one... and pay me.
There are more beds available there, and you can probably still fit in in one of our 8-bed rooms. We're 27 in thos rooms and a little math says that there must be... ehr... 5 beds available. If you or your friends need that, please let me know ASAP. We closed the booking a long time ago, but I might still fix something.
What a shame on me..... sleepless night in Amsterdam is a reason... originaly I was planing to come on thursday . That is why i had some concerns regarding accomodation from thursday to friday.
Now my plans are changed and I am coming on Friday and hostel is already booked , so no need to warry.
Me and Mindaugas are in the list and tomorrow we will transfer 1400DK for both of us ..
Sorry for a mess.
But I still have question about fishing in early friday. Can you suggesta place?
There are probably several people who will fish Friday, and I'm sure that you will have company. Regarding a location, Ripley will be the right person to ask. There are other locals on our list, and I will rely on them to answer you.
Fyn is a good place to fish because there is always a place, which can be fished - almost no matter the wind.
I will post my own plans for the Friday when I get more details on the logostics of the weekend, but I also expect to do some fishing before we meet at the hostel.
You know me - as visada atostogauju :D
Your welcome to join me as long as you bring "alu Svyturys" - and plenty of them, galbut degtine?
We can fish until about 15:00 then head of to the accommodation in Odense to meet the rest of the tribe and brag about all the fish we have caught :wink:
Contact me (, and we can confirm a time and meeting place on the Friday.
Those that know me will know where I'll be taking you and the fish you'll probably catch :wink:
Iki ir gero kelio.
Pasistengsiu nesugaudyti visu zuvu ir paliksiu jums:)
Later dudes
Martin, all clear!Thanks
Martin, all clear!Thanks
Seems Ripley will take care on us during first part of friday.
That was a serious answer.
I didnt pull your tang off... what is said is said. I bring as much as possible Svyturys and you show a secret!
(Rolandas Mincinauskas)
Re: Friday
Hi Ripley,
Now the time of the summit is getting nearer and nearer and I want to ask you, what's
going on fishing wise?
I think this is a question all the joiners would have.
Could you recommend the last time and give a statement what we could expect?
I'll also arrive on Friday until noon, but that depends on the traffic.
Perhaps we can meet and fish together?
Could you leave your phone number (
Kind regards
Guess I don't need to say I would like to be part of the Friday "fish-in". Nothing received yet about the B&B, but there's time. This could be a crowd on Friday!
I cannot miss fridayôs
I cannot miss fridayôs fishing either. Where is the venue? :roll:
Hi guys, me and Jan is coming
Hi guys, me and Jan is coming to odense sometimes around 12 @ friday and we are both very eager to fish.
If there is some special maillist for the friday och any contact sheet please let me know!
my email is
best regards Fredrik