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GFF Summit 2008 will happen!

The forums are very quiet

The Global FlyFisher forum has existed for almost as long as the site, and the oldest posts are more than 20 years old. Forums aren't what they used to be. Social media has taken over a lot of their roles, and the GFF form is very quiet ... to put it mildly.
We keep everything online for the sake of history, and preserve the posts for as long as possible, but as you will see, quite a few of them aren't in a good shape, but rely on old images hosted elsewhere, which are no longer available, odd codes from old systems and much more, which can't be shown in a decent way.
But the posts are here, and you can - if you insist - start new threads. But don't stay awake waiting for replies, because they are unfortunately few and far apart.

[b:2deec92e72]The planning for this year's Summit is slowly commencing. This is the first official announcement.[/b:2deec92e72]

Several people have already mailed me about the GFF Summit for 2008, and let me start my confirming that there will be a Summit this autumn.

My intention is to stick to the scheme that has worked successfully for two years already and place the event on the Danish island Fyn in September. I have no set dates or locations yet, but expect something along the lines of the previous years.

Since the Summit has grown from the first incernation to the second, I would expect it to do so again this year, and because of that I intend to limit the number of participants. I do this for two reasons:

1) To keep the venue intimate and make sure we all get to talk and learn to know each other
2) To limit the number of anglers fishing in one spot. Last year's almost 30 people were close to the limit of what any location can sustain, and I would like for all who want to be able to fish together

I will keep spots open for all who participated last year and they will have first right. When all previous participants are accounted for, the remaining spots will be up for grabs by new participants.

I expect to limit the number to 40 and since we were about 30 last year, that will open for new people.

As I said: expect to be contacted if you already was on the Summit and if not, keep an eye out for the public announcement.

If you have comments, suggestions, questions or anything, just contact me directly or post it here and I will try to deal with it.

[url=]GFF Summit 2006[/url]
[url=]GFF Summit 2007[/url]

Hey guys and gals,

We hope to be with you again this year - indeed, due to a generous offer, we hope to make it a longer stay in Denmark this year. :D

Time is booked in the diary, even though I don't know the exact date yet. We are really looking forward to seeing friends old and new.

Les and Nan Austin

Hi there,

Very good to hear that Martin is going to organize another summit.
And I feel relieved that the time of the summit fits perfectly in my time schedule.
Therefore I say thank you Martin and I look eagerly forward to meet all the summit friends like the years before.

Hope I see you all in September


... cannot wait to see Kai´s flybox this year. One can never guess what kind of a catchy pattern this man is going to use :lol:

Nevertheless, pls have a spare one for me Kai.

P.S. It brings bad luck if you don´t share your secret fly with Vanuz.

It looks like I can finally make it to a GFF summit - and am REALLY looking forward to it...

I am planning to drive from Leverkusen, Germany.....and want to check if anyone wants to car- pool...

Unti then...


Hi Ruan,

When are you planning on making your drive?


Hi Paul,

I am quite flexible, but would like to leave as early as possible on friday..... what time did you have in mind ?

Hi Paul,

nice picture of you (looks like a bit as a seatrout).
I think that's because you are to often in Denmark.

But I've got a better one of you!

When the summit starts, as you know, we are already relocated in the Sauerland and could drive together all the way to Denmark.

What do you think?



[quote:aba5fde43e="vanuz"]... cannot wait to see Kai´s flybox this year. One can never guess what kind of a catchy pattern this man is going to use :lol:

Nevertheless, pls have a spare one for me Kai.

P.S. It brings bad luck if you don´t share your secret fly with Vanuz.[/quote:aba5fde43e]

Hi Vanuz,

this year a bit of trouble and a relocation kept my invention skills low.
So I'm coming up with no real new fly - put my "old" terror fly a trouser on and
hope to catch something on it.

I'll tie a bunch of it for the summit and of course there is shurely always one for you in the box!


All the fish cages are in place for this year.
Most have an anti-Kai attachment on. It won't matter what fly he uses...

I will be testing the waters the weeks up to the event. I will make sure there's nothing left this time.


I will be testing the waters the weeks up to the event. I will make sure there's nothing left this time.


It seems like we have a similar plan this year.

Nice picture Kai, I can't wait to see the better one that you promised. I'm also curious to see your fly box, I have a feeling that you have been secertly tying a box full of Pink Piggy's

As of now I will be staying on Fyn after the summit, for a few days of fishing, maybe someone would be interested in spending a few days together, trying to locate the cages that Ripley has hidden.


I have been skunked 17 times.
Until now...
71cm and 5 other sea trout between 51 and 63cm in one session.
I am back on form and catching the caged fish for GFF'08.
As it stands I have had 5 sessions in the last 4 days and 12 hardcore sea trout.

No skunked trips so far!!!


[quote:c5584fd5dc="DistantStreams"]I have been skunked 17 times.
Until now...
71cm and 5 other sea trout between 51 and 63cm in one session.
I am back on form and catching the caged fish for GFF'08.
As it stands I have had 5 sessions in the last 4 days and 12 hardcore sea trout.

No skunked trips so far!!!


Come on Rip! It is too early to show off :twisted:
...just jealous, what can I say? Congrats.

What are they eating, anyway?

We will be on Fyn during GFF summit , so maybe we will meet youto have a chat.


Sure we can meet. We expect to be at the water most of the Saturday and Sunday. Drop me a mail or a PM, and we can coordinate.


Martin, thanks a lot. We will probablly arive on Thursday and will stay on Helnaes. We will try to contact our Slovak friend Vanuz and try to meet you to have a chat or have a bottle of Czech beer :-)

Hi all,

Well I was bored at work and after reading the posts under the Summit 2008 article I came up with a basic design for the Summit 2008 T-Shirt, in case it is decided to create some. It was designed in MS Paint so please forgive the absolute lack of skill involved! :lol:

I didn't want to use any logo's from the website as to not infringe on copyright, but I think/hope you'll get the idea!

Hope the image works!

See you all at the Summit

[quote:a0772c8078="Jonathan"]I didn't want to use any logo's from the website as to not infringe on copyright, but I think/hope you'll get the idea!

Thanks Jonathan, but no problems with that.

If anybody wants to do anything here, I can provide a high rez logo. Let me know here or per email.


Hi Jonathan,

Wouldn't the logo look better aligned on the left side of the chest, maybe even centered?

Nice a simple.

Just for information...The fish are gathering. I won't give sizes and numbers but they are arriving. No disappointment here.

See you all soon.


Hi Ripley,

I was actually thinking that the logo would look better on the left hand side of the chest after I had posted the pic, also that is where most of the team logo's are placed, (On the heart!) :idea:

Don't know if anyone will try and make it, it was just a quick idea that popped into my head whilst bored at work :)

I will buy one if somebody has it made though...... no pressure anyone! :wink:


Hi All,

Regarding Ripleys suggestion:

[quote:2598b58e99="DistantStreams"]Wouldn't the logo look better aligned on the left side of the chest, maybe even centered?[/quote:2598b58e99]

Here are two more "absolutely amateur" designs for the front of the T-Shirt, with the middle design being the back of the T-Shirt.

Enjoy :D

Summiters, I have been waiting for some feedback regarding t-shirts for weeks but I haven´t had any response at all. Not sure about Martin. Then I guessed no-one was interested.

....nice you have brought it up, but unfortunatelly, it´s too late now and I won´t be able to arrange for t´s this year. :oops:

Someone else may have appropriate resources for a reasonable price.

Wakie, wakie :D , it is about time!

Well, I am sad there will be no tee shirts, but as long as Ripley's promise that the fish are in place holds good, it will be a wonderful event again. Bring it on!
Les :) See you all soon

The fish are here.
Remember GFF '07?

So far, conditions are better and the last 3 weeks have seen great results.

I had to put out new cages of fish and hire 3 new divers to move the fish around.

REMEMBER THE GFF '08 CAR STICKERS OR NO ENTRY! (talk to Martin about that).

LES...Still want the B&B? Confirm dates, contact me...
All is sorted for you and Nan.

Rolandas, Svieki! ALUS, ALUS, ALUS! Remember it...Iki !

Rip Van Trigger Finger

[quote:c83090c759]What are they eating, anyway? [/quote:c83090c759]

Small. small shrimp, sand hopper, scud naturals, size 12, 10, 8. Browns, greys and dull greens.
The fish are picky with full stomachs full of shrimp and sand hoppers.

Single hooks!!!


[quote:8b4edde590="DistantStreams"]The fish are here.

REMEMBER THE GFF '08 CAR STICKERS OR NO ENTRY! (talk to Martin about that).

Rip Van Trigger Finger[/quote:8b4edde590]

OK, I am addressing to Martin - where can I get one?

Hey guys and gals,

We hope to be with you again this year - indeed, due to a generous offer, we hope to make it a longer stay in Denmark this year. :D

Time is booked in the diary, even though I don't know the exact date yet. We are really looking forward to seeing friends old and new.

Les and Nan Austin

Hi there,

Very good to hear that Martin is going to organize another summit.
And I feel relieved that the time of the summit fits perfectly in my time schedule.
Therefore I say thank you Martin and I look eagerly forward to meet all the summit friends like the years before.

Hope I see you all in September


... cannot wait to see Kai´s flybox this year. One can never guess what kind of a catchy pattern this man is going to use :lol:

Nevertheless, pls have a spare one for me Kai.

P.S. It brings bad luck if you don´t share your secret fly with Vanuz.

It looks like I can finally make it to a GFF summit - and am REALLY looking forward to it...

I am planning to drive from Leverkusen, Germany.....and want to check if anyone wants to car- pool...

Unti then...


Hi Ruan,

When are you planning on making your drive?


Hi Paul,

I am quite flexible, but would like to leave as early as possible on friday..... what time did you have in mind ?

Hi Paul,

nice picture of you (looks like a bit as a seatrout).
I think that's because you are to often in Denmark.

But I've got a better one of you!

When the summit starts, as you know, we are already relocated in the Sauerland and could drive together all the way to Denmark.

What do you think?



[quote:aba5fde43e="vanuz"]... cannot wait to see Kai´s flybox this year. One can never guess what kind of a catchy pattern this man is going to use :lol:

Nevertheless, pls have a spare one for me Kai.

P.S. It brings bad luck if you don´t share your secret fly with Vanuz.[/quote:aba5fde43e]

Hi Vanuz,

this year a bit of trouble and a relocation kept my invention skills low.
So I'm coming up with no real new fly - put my "old" terror fly a trouser on and
hope to catch something on it.

I'll tie a bunch of it for the summit and of course there is shurely always one for you in the box!


All the fish cages are in place for this year.
Most have an anti-Kai attachment on. It won't matter what fly he uses...

I will be testing the waters the weeks up to the event. I will make sure there's nothing left this time.


I will be testing the waters the weeks up to the event. I will make sure there's nothing left this time.


It seems like we have a similar plan this year.

Nice picture Kai, I can't wait to see the better one that you promised. I'm also curious to see your fly box, I have a feeling that you have been secertly tying a box full of Pink Piggy's

As of now I will be staying on Fyn after the summit, for a few days of fishing, maybe someone would be interested in spending a few days together, trying to locate the cages that Ripley has hidden.


I have been skunked 17 times.
Until now...
71cm and 5 other sea trout between 51 and 63cm in one session.
I am back on form and catching the caged fish for GFF'08.
As it stands I have had 5 sessions in the last 4 days and 12 hardcore sea trout.

No skunked trips so far!!!


[quote:c5584fd5dc="DistantStreams"]I have been skunked 17 times.
Until now...
71cm and 5 other sea trout between 51 and 63cm in one session.
I am back on form and catching the caged fish for GFF'08.
As it stands I have had 5 sessions in the last 4 days and 12 hardcore sea trout.

No skunked trips so far!!!


Come on Rip! It is too early to show off :twisted:
...just jealous, what can I say? Congrats.

What are they eating, anyway?

We will be on Fyn during GFF summit , so maybe we will meet youto have a chat.


Sure we can meet. We expect to be at the water most of the Saturday and Sunday. Drop me a mail or a PM, and we can coordinate.


Martin, thanks a lot. We will probablly arive on Thursday and will stay on Helnaes. We will try to contact our Slovak friend Vanuz and try to meet you to have a chat or have a bottle of Czech beer :-)

Hi all,

Well I was bored at work and after reading the posts under the Summit 2008 article I came up with a basic design for the Summit 2008 T-Shirt, in case it is decided to create some. It was designed in MS Paint so please forgive the absolute lack of skill involved! :lol:

I didn't want to use any logo's from the website as to not infringe on copyright, but I think/hope you'll get the idea!

Hope the image works!

See you all at the Summit

[quote:a0772c8078="Jonathan"]I didn't want to use any logo's from the website as to not infringe on copyright, but I think/hope you'll get the idea!

Thanks Jonathan, but no problems with that.

If anybody wants to do anything here, I can provide a high rez logo. Let me know here or per email.


Hi Jonathan,

Wouldn't the logo look better aligned on the left side of the chest, maybe even centered?

Nice a simple.

Just for information...The fish are gathering. I won't give sizes and numbers but they are arriving. No disappointment here.

See you all soon.


Hi Ripley,

I was actually thinking that the logo would look better on the left hand side of the chest after I had posted the pic, also that is where most of the team logo's are placed, (On the heart!) :idea:

Don't know if anyone will try and make it, it was just a quick idea that popped into my head whilst bored at work :)

I will buy one if somebody has it made though...... no pressure anyone! :wink:


Hi All,

Regarding Ripleys suggestion:

[quote:2598b58e99="DistantStreams"]Wouldn't the logo look better aligned on the left side of the chest, maybe even centered?[/quote:2598b58e99]

Here are two more "absolutely amateur" designs for the front of the T-Shirt, with the middle design being the back of the T-Shirt.

Enjoy :D

Summiters, I have been waiting for some feedback regarding t-shirts for weeks but I haven´t had any response at all. Not sure about Martin. Then I guessed no-one was interested.

....nice you have brought it up, but unfortunatelly, it´s too late now and I won´t be able to arrange for t´s this year. :oops:

Someone else may have appropriate resources for a reasonable price.

Wakie, wakie :D , it is about time!

Well, I am sad there will be no tee shirts, but as long as Ripley's promise that the fish are in place holds good, it will be a wonderful event again. Bring it on!
Les :) See you all soon

The fish are here.
Remember GFF '07?

So far, conditions are better and the last 3 weeks have seen great results.

I had to put out new cages of fish and hire 3 new divers to move the fish around.

REMEMBER THE GFF '08 CAR STICKERS OR NO ENTRY! (talk to Martin about that).

LES...Still want the B&B? Confirm dates, contact me...
All is sorted for you and Nan.

Rolandas, Svieki! ALUS, ALUS, ALUS! Remember it...Iki !

Rip Van Trigger Finger

[quote:c83090c759]What are they eating, anyway? [/quote:c83090c759]

Small. small shrimp, sand hopper, scud naturals, size 12, 10, 8. Browns, greys and dull greens.
The fish are picky with full stomachs full of shrimp and sand hoppers.

Single hooks!!!


[quote:8b4edde590="DistantStreams"]The fish are here.

REMEMBER THE GFF '08 CAR STICKERS OR NO ENTRY! (talk to Martin about that).

Rip Van Trigger Finger[/quote:8b4edde590]

OK, I am addressing to Martin - where can I get one?

Since you got this far …

The GFF money box

… I have a small favor to ask.

Long story short

Support the Global FlyFisher through several different channels, including PayPal.

Long story longer

The Global FlyFisher has been online since the mid-90's and has been free to access for everybody since day one – and will stay free for as long as I run it.
But that doesn't mean that it's free to run.
It costs money to drive a large site like this.
See more details about what you can do to help in this blog post.

The Global FlyFisher has recently been updated to a new publishing system, and there may be a few glitches while the last bits get fixed. If you meet anything that doesn't work, please let me know.
Martin -