GFF Summit People,
We're well into August now, and the number of participants showing interest in the GFF Summit seems to have leveled out somewhere around the number 26. We have people from several countries, and I'm sure we will have a great trip.
Now I have started thinking about the practical arrangements.
Svend Hansen - one of the Danes joining in - has looked into a place to stay, and one of his friends has offered us a hostel at a very good price. I think it's a very worthy alternative to a camping site.
The offer has to be accepted within 10 days or so, and because of this I want to check with you guys what you think.
The hostel is Odense Danhostel, centrally placed on Fyn, and a good starting point for most of the destinations we can fancy as well as being close to Odense center (the largest city on the island). See more on [url=]their home page here[/url].
We get two nights (Friday-Saturday + Saturday-Sunday) with breakfast both mornings and a two-course dinner Saturday night including half a bottle of wine per person for DKK 520.- a head (70 Euros or about 47 UKã). This is probably as inexpensive as we can get it and even quite close to what a camp-solution will cost. The hostel also offers packed lunches at DKK 50, but we also have access to a kitchen for self-catering.
The price is for 3 rooms sleeping 8 persons each.
People who want to come earlier or stay longer or have their own rooms can probably arrange that seperately, but the good price is for 24 persons for two nights.
We can always settle all the practical details as we get closer, but all I want right now is an answer to the following questions:
1) Are you still in on the trip as a whole?
2) Are you in on the above offer?
3) Where are you from and how do you expect to get here?
The last question is my first attempt at coordinating the logistics. We have a couple of people who may need a ride.
I will set up a forum on GFF or some mailing list to handle all communication between us, but for now, just reply to this mail, and I will sum up.
Please relply as soon as possible here or on the mail to me.
great :) :)
great :) [URL=]:)[/URL]
is everyone getting excited
is everyone getting excited yet?
Oh yes!! :lol:
Oh yes!! :lol: