Hi all,
Just recently discovered this site, looking very good! I'm hooked on flyfishing for 2 years now and was looking for a site/forum with a global thought, not just for 1 nation so i think i'm in the right place here :D
My name is Koos Verhoeven, on the net better known as Ruza :wink: , 28 years old and I live in the Netherlands. Have been a lure fisherman for years mainly chasing pike and perch before i discovered a flyfishing rod. Just recently (may 2007) been on fishing holiday in Norway, with 2 friends and a flyrod cruising Southern Norway, a great experience! After that i was hooked on stream fishing. Due to the fact that we have no possibilities for stream fishing for trout in the Netherlands (in fact we have no wild trout in our country :( ) I've been looking for places to go outside of our national borders and so I've found this site. Hope to learn a lot from all of you and if anyone has questions about trout fishing in Belgium or Germany let me know, I can give you some information.
Just joined the site
i fish in Scotland and enjoy tying
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Welcome to the forum Ruza.
If ever you wish to experience some different areas of southern norway, don't hesistate to drop me a line.
Where abouts were you this year?
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[quote:bcc46bc6c5="Wiggy"]Welcome to the forum Ruza.
If ever you wish to experience some different areas of southern norway, don't hesistate to drop me a line.
Where abouts were you this year?[/quote:bcc46bc6c5]
We arrived at Langesund and went to the north-west and fished the Nidelva region. After that we went to the Evje region (been there as a kid for more than 8 holidays) and fished de Otra and surrounding area's. At least something like that, we went by camper and just drove without a plan :D.For next year we are planning a trip to middle-Norway, 300km north of Trondheim but when we arrive in south-Norway again I will keep you on that promise :!: :wink:
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I too have fished various lakes around Evje, have had some really nice fish too. I know another dutch guy who's running a hunting/fishing guiding service there http://www.scanedtravel.no/ A really nice chap, and I've fished with him a few times. Last summer I guided this guy together with Hans Bock, Peter Elberse and others over here. I must say that you dutch people are a really nice bunch!
Well I may see you next summer, and I'll look forward to your stories from middle Norway.
So what kind of fishing are you mostly intrested in?
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That's definetly flyfishing nowadays. If you had asked me that question 2 years ago i would have answerd lure fishing but since my second best discovery of my life (flyfishing, my girlfriend is the best [size=9:c1a8710e66]maybe she's reading this ;)[/size:c1a8710e66]) I'm completely hooked on this kind of sport. Too bad the dutch countryside isn't the best place for a beginner for fishing with a flyrod so I'llI regulary take my spinning rod chasing the pike. But it says it all when i state that my flyfishing stuff is kept inside when the rest of my fishing gear is stacked in the shed :D
ps: Thanks for the compliment towards the Dutch!
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Well what about fly fishing for pike and perch? That's very effective and though more difficult, fly fishng for zander?
Fly fishing is extremely addictive, and it's been my passion since the age of 12. When you start tying your own flies (if you don't already do), the sport becomes very rewarding. Then there's targeting different species, entomology, the list just continues.
One of the main reasons why I love fly fishing, is that it's more difficult than bait fishing and spinning. The feel you get of a fighting fish through a fly rod is something else.
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I just started to flyfish for pike, very nice sport only the places where i usually fish (Dutch lowlands) are often windy and i'm not good at casting with wind (yet). Still learning though and it gets better and better but thats the main reason i grab my spinning rod instead of the flyrod. Too bad i don't have time to ty my own flies, following school next to my fulltime job, but when i'm finished i'm sure this will be my next step in the magic flyfishing world.
[quote:4dbc75ede1="Wiggy"]The feel you get of a fighting fish through a fly rod is something else.[/quote:4dbc75ede1]
I totally agree, nothing beats a fish on a flyrod :D
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I caught my first pike on the fly this year, and that was great fun, though the old salmo trutta is still my no.1!! At the moment sea trout fishing in the sea is my passion and then during the summer a combination of salmon and trout in the mountains.
I saw in another post that you had got in contact with Pieter. He's a real great guy, and has some nice lakes to his disposal.
If you visit me next year, we'll tie some flies and then I'll take you out and we'll catch some gorgeous browns.
I'm off home for xmas to the UK, so I'll be trying fly fishing in my local canal where I have fond memories. Never tried it before, so could be challenging.
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Hi all,
only wants to say "Hallo" to all users of this great international fly fishing board. I love to read all the articles and massages from all over the world and feel good by knowing about this great community of fly fishing enthusiasts. Thats a good way of globalisation!
Warm Regards
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Welcome to the site and the forum! Enjoy the content and the good company.
Just joined the site
Just joined the site
i fish in Scotland and enjoy tying
Welcome to you too. The forum isn't the busiest part of the site, but feel free to post anyway.
Welcome to the forum Ruza.
Welcome to the forum Ruza.
If ever you wish to experience some different areas of southern norway, don't hesistate to drop me a line.
Where abouts were you this year?
Welcome to the forum Ruza.
[quote:bcc46bc6c5="Wiggy"]Welcome to the forum Ruza.
If ever you wish to experience some different areas of southern norway, don't hesistate to drop me a line.
Where abouts were you this year?[/quote:bcc46bc6c5]
We arrived at Langesund and went to the north-west and fished the Nidelva region. After that we went to the Evje region (been there as a kid for more than 8 holidays) and fished de Otra and surrounding area's. At least something like that, we went by camper and just drove without a plan :D.For next year we are planning a trip to middle-Norway, 300km north of Trondheim but when we arrive in south-Norway again I will keep you on that promise :!: :wink:
I too have fished various
I too have fished various lakes around Evje, have had some really nice fish too. I know another dutch guy who's running a hunting/fishing guiding service there http://www.scanedtravel.no/ A really nice chap, and I've fished with him a few times. Last summer I guided this guy together with Hans Bock, Peter Elberse and others over here. I must say that you dutch people are a really nice bunch!
Well I may see you next summer, and I'll look forward to your stories from middle Norway.
So what kind of fishing are you mostly intrested in?
That's definetly flyfishing
That's definetly flyfishing nowadays. If you had asked me that question 2 years ago i would have answerd lure fishing but since my second best discovery of my life (flyfishing, my girlfriend is the best [size=9:c1a8710e66]maybe she's reading this ;)[/size:c1a8710e66]) I'm completely hooked on this kind of sport. Too bad the dutch countryside isn't the best place for a beginner for fishing with a flyrod so I'llI regulary take my spinning rod chasing the pike. But it says it all when i state that my flyfishing stuff is kept inside when the rest of my fishing gear is stacked in the shed :D
ps: Thanks for the compliment towards the Dutch!
Well what about fly fishing
Well what about fly fishing for pike and perch? That's very effective and though more difficult, fly fishng for zander?
Fly fishing is extremely addictive, and it's been my passion since the age of 12. When you start tying your own flies (if you don't already do), the sport becomes very rewarding. Then there's targeting different species, entomology, the list just continues.
One of the main reasons why I love fly fishing, is that it's more difficult than bait fishing and spinning. The feel you get of a fighting fish through a fly rod is something else.
I just started to flyfish for
I just started to flyfish for pike, very nice sport only the places where i usually fish (Dutch lowlands) are often windy and i'm not good at casting with wind (yet). Still learning though and it gets better and better but thats the main reason i grab my spinning rod instead of the flyrod. Too bad i don't have time to ty my own flies, following school next to my fulltime job, but when i'm finished i'm sure this will be my next step in the magic flyfishing world.
[quote:4dbc75ede1="Wiggy"]The feel you get of a fighting fish through a fly rod is something else.[/quote:4dbc75ede1]
I totally agree, nothing beats a fish on a flyrod :D
I caught my first pike on the
I caught my first pike on the fly this year, and that was great fun, though the old salmo trutta is still my no.1!! At the moment sea trout fishing in the sea is my passion and then during the summer a combination of salmon and trout in the mountains.
I saw in another post that you had got in contact with Pieter. He's a real great guy, and has some nice lakes to his disposal.
If you visit me next year, we'll tie some flies and then I'll take you out and we'll catch some gorgeous browns.
I'm off home for xmas to the UK, so I'll be trying fly fishing in my local canal where I have fond memories. Never tried it before, so could be challenging.
Hi all,
Hi all,
only wants to say "Hallo" to all users of this great international fly fishing board. I love to read all the articles and massages from all over the world and feel good by knowing about this great community of fly fishing enthusiasts. Thats a good way of globalisation!
Warm Regards
Welcome to the forum..
"Hooked on salt" - in Germany? ;-)