Published Dec 19. 2009 - 15 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 8. 2015

re/ shorthead salmon /steelhead

hello to leaning from dvd aboud scandinavian casting /skagit casting the ar dvd,s from
Henrik Mortensen from Sierra / eric Jan Granbo from Guideline.
Henrik have good dvd,s aboud shorthead underhand casting/ download tube /you tube
or torrent/ the new dvd you can buy for scandy casting.
Eric Jan Granbo have ferry nice dvd.s about single hand speycasting [ norge ]
I do this fishing with the 9.6 lpxe guideline rod with 20 grams shorthead from vision -
little overpower o.k but casting 30 meters no problem, perfect for the coast for seetrout.
olso for salmon [ most see this dvd from Eric its unbeliveble with little rod on big salmon]

the dvd,s / lakse fiskeren met enhands/ fiske sommer i gaula.
this man have special style about the fishing /olso my style.

meaby can download on the net ,i hope so


Martin Joergensen's picture



While I certainly appreciate your DVD recommendations on Spey and two hand casting, I cannot say that I'm overly enthused by your advice to download these videos from the web.

First of all it's illegal and secondly it's cheating the people who put time and money into making the productions in the first place.

What you do yourself is your own business (even though I don't condone it), but I don't want you to recommend breaking the law on The Global FlyFisher.

There are plenty videos and trailers out there, which can be had for free. We have just launched [url=]our own online fly fishing video channel here on GFF[/url]. There are endless hours of fishing video to be picked up there.

But when it comes to [b:68a0ac0b13]commercial products[/b:68a0ac0b13], please [b:68a0ac0b13]buy your copies[/b:68a0ac0b13] and support those who make the videos. They are not getting fat or rich as it is, and pirating their stuff certainly won't help!


to Martin / From Cornelis...

Martin is not my intention to put people to illegal to do sorry.
I write my posts as a new member in your forum, about my technique and people can ask about that on fisheries.
Greeting: Cornelis


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