hello I'm a fly fisherman from Netherlands I have some information about fish with short lines
ok you speylinen fish for sea trout and salmon.
last 4 years I fish with double handed rods like you do
I am now specializing in fish with light line short heads, rods i use ar from the guideline class in the Aftma 6 to 9.
lines are not from the guideline, but from vision from finland.
not skagit from rio or so
I want to tell you about the fishing but my english is bad hell.
Next year I make this movie or tube movies about fishing in the special lines short line.
next year I go to brits collumbia for 3 weeks for steelhead in october
You most wate for next year ,my friend is living in Bc hy is e Head Guide named by
Jerome Wohe / is top fisherman / thats movie is coming .
information about my fishing style / by martin hengelsport in Rotterdam. the nethelands
Renee van Heezik is the dutch dealer for guideline rods /vision lines
I wish you flyfisher friends olways tide lines for the next year .
Good cristmas and new year.
greatings; cornelis van den Adel