[b:b12f3c0fd0]HAPPY IMBOLC! There's light at the end of the phrigid tunnel...
It's been a bit slow here for the past month...
'Some critterz for your consideration that have escaped from da' jawz...
They will be properly drowned when things warm up... SOONER than later!
'after a hot shower...
Hi Pengui,
watching your work for while and let me tell y, y really are one of the most talented flytier Ive ever seen... Those patterns are really outstandig, combinations of techniques incredible!!! Some of your patterns made my last summer on MV, stripers loved them... Thanks again.. :)
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[b:a49dd76d07]Encouraged by kind wordz and positive feedback [thanks Dada!], and fortified by the full moon, and a Canadian malt enhanced adult beverage...
I had another phuzzie notion episode...
pheatherz, phur, and phlash are minimized and proportioned... colours, subtle...
some tweeeeking... 'prophile enhancement... 'sparse buck tail topper...
The only rule is there are NO rules...
sand lance insinuendo...
mini-eel punt?...
worm hatch to-go... 'justincase...
Here in New England waterz, virtue can hurtue but variety can foster notoriety...
Colour, texture, balance, technique, and a phuzzie notion looking for a place to happen...
blah, blah, blah...
The PHISH will have the phinal word![/b:a49dd76d07]
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Penguin your mind must be around the bend :) Those flies of yours are phantastic keep them coming cause I can use the ideas
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[b:a500143bb3]G'day Glenn...
'Around the bend?!... you're being TOO kind!
This past weekend I went to a barn burner one day FF show...
The "Bear's Den" [Taunton, MA] puts on one phine phandango!
'got to watch David Nelson http://www.squimpishflies.com/mainpage.htm up close and personal and brought home a sack full of inspiration... click on David's "gallery"...
I've got a good friend in your neighborhood [Ottawa]... these phlyz will soon be landing in his mailbox...
You want some ideas... give Faruk a shout...
[search : ultimate bobbin or automatic bobbin]... http://www.automaticbobbin.com/advantage.htm
these critterz happened yesterday after my Nelson exposure...
bugz for Faruk's pal who's lookin' to annoy some Tarpon...
Ms. Congeniality / Most Photogenic goes to...[/b:a500143bb3]
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[b:7da8322268]March Madness...
'Sprung forward and the first herring scout sightings have been reported...
and to celebrate the Vernal Equinox, here's my Daddy Long Legz Deer Tic Lyme Disease Crab...
and some "Bunker Therapy"...
my personal favourite "old school" style kind'a technical pattern... a lot goin' on...
and, phinally, some Phly Welding...
Smelt and/or Cateland insinuendo d' Canada...
[i:7da8322268]schmeckt gut![/i:7da8322268]...
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[b:eff29f133a]Phly Welding... J-Vise w/ Pro-Jaws... Bug-Bond... proper tools set me phree and LIFE IS GOOD![/b:eff29f133a]
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Hi Pengui,
Hi Pengui,
watching your work for while and let me tell y, y really are one of the most talented flytier Ive ever seen... Those patterns are really outstandig, combinations of techniques incredible!!! Some of your patterns made my last summer on MV, stripers loved them... Thanks again.. :)
Thanks Dada...
[b:a49dd76d07]Encouraged by kind wordz and positive feedback [thanks Dada!], and fortified by the full moon, and a Canadian malt enhanced adult beverage...
I had another phuzzie notion episode...
pheatherz, phur, and phlash are minimized and proportioned... colours, subtle...
some tweeeeking... 'prophile enhancement... 'sparse buck tail topper...
The only rule is there are NO rules...
sand lance insinuendo...
mini-eel punt?...
worm hatch to-go... 'justincase...
Here in New England waterz, virtue can hurtue but variety can foster notoriety...
Colour, texture, balance, technique, and a phuzzie notion looking for a place to happen...
blah, blah, blah...
The PHISH will have the phinal word![/b:a49dd76d07]
Penguin your mind must be
Penguin your mind must be around the bend :) Those flies of yours are phantastic keep them coming cause I can use the ideas
G'day Glenn...
[b:a500143bb3]G'day Glenn...
'Around the bend?!... you're being TOO kind!
This past weekend I went to a barn burner one day FF show...
The "Bear's Den" [Taunton, MA] puts on one phine phandango!
'got to watch David Nelson http://www.squimpishflies.com/mainpage.htm up close and personal and brought home a sack full of inspiration... click on David's "gallery"...
I've got a good friend in your neighborhood [Ottawa]... these phlyz will soon be landing in his mailbox...
You want some ideas... give Faruk a shout...
[search : ultimate bobbin or automatic bobbin]... http://www.automaticbobbin.com/advantage.htm
these critterz happened yesterday after my Nelson exposure...
bugz for Faruk's pal who's lookin' to annoy some Tarpon...
Ms. Congeniality / Most Photogenic goes to...[/b:a500143bb3]
Beware the Ides of...
[b:7da8322268]March Madness...
'Sprung forward and the first herring scout sightings have been reported...
and to celebrate the Vernal Equinox, here's my Daddy Long Legz Deer Tic Lyme Disease Crab...
and some "Bunker Therapy"...
my personal favourite "old school" style kind'a technical pattern... a lot goin' on...
and, phinally, some Phly Welding...
Smelt and/or Cateland insinuendo d' Canada...
[i:7da8322268]schmeckt gut![/i:7da8322268]...
[b:eff29f133a]Phly Welding... J-Vise w/ Pro-Jaws... Bug-Bond... proper tools set me phree and LIFE IS GOOD![/b:eff29f133a]