'Wanted to display large, prominent eyez...
...with enhanced three dimensional characteristics.
Did not want to compress or restrict the body material nor rely on gobbs of goop to hold the BigEyez in place...
Simple, durable, adjustable, and suited to numerous applications.
An epoxy project that combines 3D eyes and mono...
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Variations on a theme...
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[b:60af30b9b4]'shameless photo sequence...[/b:60af30b9b4]
For this slightly smaller interpretation I used a Gamakatsu B10S stinger 2/0...
Some buck tail to act as a support... it also helps to broaden the profile...
Whiting variant feathers tied in with some fluff left on the stem to insinuate the body...
3 or 4 feathers on each side to build up the profile...
Sparse buck tail to help support the eyez and to start the mantle...
If you're thinkin' about the Dual Stem mono suspended hovering eyez notion, we're now [i:60af30b9b4]in-the-zone[/i:60af30b9b4]...
The length of the legs and orientation can be adjusted and, once positioned, the tag ends are cut flush...
3D Eyez or Jungle Cock... or whatever works... I'm a big fan of [i:60af30b9b4]eyez[/i:60af30b9b4]...
It's NOT paranoia if THEY are really trying to get you!
Once positioned and secured, buck tail is tied in to build up the mantle and blend in theme colour and texture... it's a subtle [i:60af30b9b4]insinuation[/i:60af30b9b4]...
Some subtle addition of UV Crystal Flash for some interesting visual feedback...
I finish off with a sparse moose mane collar and the added some Tuffleye to the thread and base of the material to finalize and hold the look...
I would have included some 3D "hover" eyes but the jungle cock was in my face and I got lazy... and my pups were buggin' me to take them outside for a proper squirrel interdiction yard patrol...
Soonerorlater, I'll "weld" up some more Dual Stem Eyez [DSE's] and will post the results...
Inthemeantime... Tye [i:60af30b9b4]outside[/i:60af30b9b4] the box!
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Neat idea with the eyes! Like you I never was a big fan of the totally glued over heads, and the mono-solution seems to solve that.
Have you had problems with the eyes being beat off? I have tied some shrimp with eyes on mono stalks and it's happened more than once that the eyes have been missing after a few hours of fishing.
Rough casting and contact with rocks and weed may have been the reason...
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The Stripes have arrived... 'toothy Blues too...
It's time to drown some phlyz and survey the phocus group!
Regarding my mono 3D "hovering" eyez...
With only 1 appendage the "lollipop" effect would easily come undone...
Once I started crimping the mono to create the "V" and applying acrylic or epoxy to both sides of the eye [plus a little on the leg] the deal was sealed and they are durable and stay tied in place... the triangle formed creates a fairly rigid connection and the "encapsulated" eyez stay put...
Here's another shameless sequential Squid-Zilla moment... from start to finish...
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'annoy the phocus group without disturbing them...
'stimulate their predatory nature and lure them into a false sense of security...
while providing high protein, minimal effort, and a convenient victim...
[i:4ef75a12e1]low light muggings[/i:4ef75a12e1] work best here as they do in any inner-city...
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Same idea... different day...
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As always: Great flies!
That last one reminds me of one of my own ties:
It's a pike fly, but utilizes the same tail construction.
Keep'em coming!
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Awesome looking tie
Awesome looking tie
3D BigEyez...
'Wanted to display large, prominent eyez...
...with enhanced three dimensional characteristics.
Did not want to compress or restrict the body material nor rely on gobbs of goop to hold the BigEyez in place...
Simple, durable, adjustable, and suited to numerous applications.
An epoxy project that combines 3D eyes and mono...
Squid Insinuations...
Variations on a theme...
Wow ,,thats unreal ...
Wow ,,thats unreal ... fantastic work
The EYEYZ have it... 3D, no less... and mounted on mono...
tan 'n grizzly... with an attitude...
an FYI Squid-Zilla moment...
[b:60af30b9b4]'shameless photo sequence...[/b:60af30b9b4]
For this slightly smaller interpretation I used a Gamakatsu B10S stinger 2/0...
Some buck tail to act as a support... it also helps to broaden the profile...
Whiting variant feathers tied in with some fluff left on the stem to insinuate the body...
3 or 4 feathers on each side to build up the profile...
Sparse buck tail to help support the eyez and to start the mantle...
If you're thinkin' about the Dual Stem mono suspended hovering eyez notion, we're now [i:60af30b9b4]in-the-zone[/i:60af30b9b4]...
The length of the legs and orientation can be adjusted and, once positioned, the tag ends are cut flush...
3D Eyez or Jungle Cock... or whatever works... I'm a big fan of [i:60af30b9b4]eyez[/i:60af30b9b4]...
It's NOT paranoia if THEY are really trying to get you!
Once positioned and secured, buck tail is tied in to build up the mantle and blend in theme colour and texture... it's a subtle [i:60af30b9b4]insinuation[/i:60af30b9b4]...
Some subtle addition of UV Crystal Flash for some interesting visual feedback...
I finish off with a sparse moose mane collar and the added some Tuffleye to the thread and base of the material to finalize and hold the look...
I would have included some 3D "hover" eyes but the jungle cock was in my face and I got lazy... and my pups were buggin' me to take them outside for a proper squirrel interdiction yard patrol...
Soonerorlater, I'll "weld" up some more Dual Stem Eyez [DSE's] and will post the results...
Inthemeantime... Tye [i:60af30b9b4]outside[/i:60af30b9b4] the box!
Neat idea with the eyes! Like you I never was a big fan of the totally glued over heads, and the mono-solution seems to solve that.
Have you had problems with the eyes being beat off? I have tied some shrimp with eyes on mono stalks and it's happened more than once that the eyes have been missing after a few hours of fishing.
Rough casting and contact with rocks and weed may have been the reason...
G'day Martin...
The Stripes have arrived... 'toothy Blues too...
It's time to drown some phlyz and survey the phocus group!
Regarding my mono 3D "hovering" eyez...
With only 1 appendage the "lollipop" effect would easily come undone...
Once I started crimping the mono to create the "V" and applying acrylic or epoxy to both sides of the eye [plus a little on the leg] the deal was sealed and they are durable and stay tied in place... the triangle formed creates a fairly rigid connection and the "encapsulated" eyez stay put...
Here's another shameless sequential Squid-Zilla moment... from start to finish...
the phocus group approves...
'Same idea, different day... and maybe some marabou...
'annoy the phocus group without disturbing them...
'stimulate their predatory nature and lure them into a false sense of security...
while providing high protein, minimal effort, and a convenient victim...
[i:4ef75a12e1]low light muggings[/i:4ef75a12e1] work best here as they do in any inner-city...
Same idea... different day...
Same idea... different day...
As always: Great flies!
That last one reminds me of one of my own ties:
It's a pike fly, but utilizes the same tail construction.
Keep'em coming!