Published Sep 8. 2023 - 10 months ago
Updated or edited Sep 8. 2023

GFF Newsletter: The GlobalFlyFisher is still here!

The Global FlyFisher

Global FlyFisher logo
Simply the Best Place to go for Online Fly Fishing and Fly Tying
Sep 8. 20231x1

For a painfully long time in between August 18th 2023 and September 7th the Global FlyFisher has been dead and gone.

The site has been there all the time, but the way to find it though the domain name has been blocked because one of the hosting companies that I use, was hacked and lost all their data - among this the keys to!

It took some time to regain access to the domain, but now that site is back almost as good as before, and within a few days, hopefully as good as ever.

I can now turn to publishing again, and with the tying season coming up here, expect a few fly patterns in the coming time.


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The Global FlyFisher

Simply the Best Place to go for Online Fly Fishing and Fly Tying


Martin Joergensen
Feel free to contact me regarding this newsletter.


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