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Read the article Djihad here



1 - start the thread

2 - prepare tail

3 - tie in tail

4 - tail done

5 - flash

6 - fold back flash

7 - tail done

8 - prepare tinsel

9 - tie in tinsel

10 - wrap tinsel

11 - wrap tinsel back

12 - tie down tinsel

13 - trim tinsel, prepare hackle

14 - strip fluff

15 - red dubbing

16 - dubbing done

17 - tie in hackle

18 - wrap hackle

19 - tinsel

20 - wrap tinsel

21 - cut tinsel, bub thread

22 - dubbing ball

23 - hackle

24 - strip fluffy part

25 - tie in hackle

26 - wrap hackle

27 - tie down hackle

28 - head

29 - whip finish

30 - varnish