The Global FlyFisher is run by me, Martin Joergensen, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Bob Petti, Kasper Mühlbach, Steve Schweitzer and Bob Skehan have contributed substantially, but are currently passive partners on the project.
You can drop me an email on
I can also convey contact to the GFF partners Bob Petti, Steve Schweitzer and Kasper Mühlbach.
Find me on Facebook.
The site Global FlyFisher also has a Facebook page.
My phone number is
+45 20 66 67 01
My address is
The Global FlyFisher
C/O Martin Joergensen
Ishojvej 5
DK-2635 Ishoj
We don't buy or sell anything!
Please notice that The Global FlyFisher is a non-commercial web site run by a single person - me Martin Joergensen - with the aide of a few others. The Global FlyFisher "office" is found in my private home in Copenhagen in Denmark.
We have no shop and don't sell anything
We have no catalog we can send you
We don't sell (or buy) badly tied Kenyan flies (or any flies for that matter)
We don't sell (or buy) cheap Chinese fishing tackle
We don't sell (or buy) rubbish Indian fly-tying tools or materials
We have no staff
We need no:
□ office furniture
□ water coolers
□ key cards
□ search engine optimization (SEO)
□ _________________ (fill in your merchandise)
Check as appropriate