Article gallery

Read the article Lynx' Whisker here
Four Lynx' Whiskers

Whiskers from the web

Hot Flexi Cat's Whisker

Sea trout country

Ahrex NS110 hook

Winter fishing

A good place to dip a fly

Using a full feather

Measure for length

Tie in

Tail done

Add a bead

Form a thread base

Finish thread


Push bead forward

Start thread behind bead

Select a marabou feather

Form a bunch

Tie in

Tear to length

Remove stray barbs

Add flash

Fold flash over

Trim flash

Tie in flash hackle

Start wrapping

Wrap hackle forward in touching turns

A rotary vise makes wrapping easy

Tie down hackle

Cut off surplus

Whip finish the white thread

Start the red thread

Prepare rubber legs

Tie in centrally

Pull back two legs

Pull back the two other legs

Cover butts

Whip finish

Cut thread


The finished Lynx' Whisker

Fish like chartreuse

Kai's Green Terror

Chartreuse and copper Lynx' Whisker

Chartreuse Lynx's Whisker

Pink Lynx' Whisker

A great place for a bright fly

Martin Joergensen - Various photograpers - Mak-Flies - Ahrex Hooks