We generally accept good quality fly fishing and fly tying videos, but certain criteria have to be met in order to have your videos published on our channel.
The reason for putting these demands on videos is that we want to maintain a channel of the best videos out there. We realize that “the best” is in the eye of the beholder, but we are in the lucky position that it's our channel and our decision what finds its way through the filter and onto our pages.
We are very open, and don't require professional quality productions or top notch recording and editing (even though it helps), but these following things are showstoppers for us, and bumping into one or two of these things in a video, usually gets it deselected immediately.
Spin fishing
While we don't mind spin fishing and even practice it from time to time, this is a fly fishing site, and videos need to be mainly fly fishing. Spinning rods are not forbidden, as long as there's enough fly fishing to outweigh them.
Short videos
We generally don't publish anything under 2 minutes. A few very good short videos have made it through, but do give your video some time to develop.
Fast forward
Whether it's tying or fishing, we don't like fast forward! Edit your video properly in stead. Fast forward is a no-go unless the video is extremely good. And videos with fast forward rarely are...
Stop motion
It's simply old and tired, and has to be very well done and used with care – if at all. We have seen all the time lapses of drifting clouds, boat launches and camp set ups and break downs we want. Get creative, do something new.
Prolonged POV driving and sailing sequences
You may think it's cool to film the whole trip there out the windscreen. Highways, trucks, country roads, parking lots. We are just bored. And run them fast... We just get bored faster! Next video, please.
Body or head mounted GoPro videos
No it's not enough to strap on a camera, press record and just fish. You need to put in more angles, more points of view, more perspective, more variation... yeah, you guessed it: more work!
Only music and no live sound
We like it all: classic, jazz, heavy metal, rap. But having no sound, no speak and only music is just a killer unless the video footage is truly mesmerizing.
Slide shows
It's called video, and even though we do accept a still image or two clipped into a video, long sequences of panning and zooming slides is not the way to our video channel.
We are open minded and want to publish as many great videos as possible, so go ahead and suggest new videos. But we also use our right to simply not publish videos that don't follow our simple rules. It's our privilege, simple as that. Feel free to contact me if you have comments or objections.