If you have an account and log in to the Global FlyFisher, you have a number of options to engage with the site, which anonymous users don't have.
You can see in the box "Account info" on this page whether you are logged in or not. In the box you can also see some of your options regarding your account.
Getting an account
If you don't have an account, but would like to have one, you need to write a mail to martin@globalflyfisher.com and request one. Because of spammers, the site does not have a procedure for self-registering. Once I get the mail, I will register you, and you will get a mail with instructions on how to continue.
The mail will contain a link, which you need to use within 24 hours. It will lead you to a page where you can set a password, and log you in. You are then registered and have a profile, which you can edit.
Resetting your password
If you already have an account, but forgot your password, ask for a reset here. This will also send you a mail with a link. As above, you need to react within 24 hours, and will be led to a page, where you can set a new password. After this you can log in using this new password.
Logging in
You log in here. If you are already logged in, this page will show your user profile. If not, it will ask for your user name or email, and the password you have selected. Once logged in, you will be shown your user profile.
Changing email
If you can log in, you can change your email yourself on your profile page. Click the edit tab and enter your password, and type in your new email. That will take care of that.
If you forgot your password and no longer have access to the email used to register, let me know. I can change your mail, and allow you to use a new one. You can also request for a new account to be created, but if you have activities on the site like forum posts or user pictures, they will not be connected with your new account.
If all else fails
If nothing of this helps you, feel free to drop me a mail, and I will do my best to help you. My mail address is martin@globalflyfisher.com.
You can also connect with the Global FlyFisher on social media: