Published Apr 23. 2024 - 4 months ago

Chain Gang Crayfish

Articles w/pattern

The Chain Gang Crayfish gets its name from the internal armature of metal bead chain that gives shape and weight to the body.

Nick Thomas
Pattern type: 
Bass bug
Skill level/difficulty: 
A little difficult
  1. Fix the hook fitted out with the chain armature and eyes in the vice and run on the brown thread behind the eyes.
  2. Tie in a length of yarn and make figure of eight wraps between the eyes and around the hook behind the eyes to form the head.
  3. Fold a length of red silli-leg around the thread and tie in behind the yarn underneath the hook.
  4. Pull the antennae forward and cover with more wraps of yarn.
  5. Tie in the yarn against the bead chain armature and remove the waste.
  6. Tie in a length of 3mm ribbon on top of the yarn just in front of the bead chain and hang it out of the way over the vice body.
  7. Wind the thread down to the hook eye.
  8. Cut a length of 12mm ribbon and melt one end near a flame.
  9. Wrap the ribbon around the hook shank, tie it in under the hook covering the hook eye to form the tail and trim away the waste.
  10. Bring the thread back up to the widest part of the body, tie in the claws on either side and trim off the waste ends.
  11. Take the thread halfway down towards the tail and tie in four strands of brown silli-legs across the top of the hook with figure of eight wraps.
  12. Pull the claws back and wind the 3mm ribbon around the head and the body in touching turns.
  13. Pull the claws and two legs on each side forward and add more overlapping wraps of ribbon.
  14. Continue wrapping the ribbon towards the tail lifting the remaining four legs and wrapping underneath.
  15. Tie in the ribbon at the base of the tail, trim off the waste, whip finish and varnish the thread wraps.
Dohiku HDR #8
8/0 orange and 12/0 brown
Black plastic bead chain
1.5mm stainless bead chain
Semperfli caddis brown dirty bug yarn
Get Slotted red silli- legs
3mm brown organza ribbon
Get Slotted brown silli- legs
3mm brown organza ribbon
12mm tan organza ribbon

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