Martin Joergensen
Cold saltwater fly
- Attach the thread in the rear of the hook shank
- Tie in the copper ribbing
- Dub the body to a cylindrical, slender shape
- Prepare a hackle by removing the most webby part
- Tie in a pair of eyes under the hook shank in front of the body. leave space to tie in the hackle
- Tie in the hackle in front of the body behind the eyes, pointing away from yourself, shiny side towards the front of the fly
- Take a couple of hackle turns behind the eyes
- Turn the hackle down the body in 5-6 even turns
- Catch the hackle tip with the copper wire and turn this back up the body to secure the feather
- Continue turning the copper around the eyes in a figure eight movement
- Tie the copper down and trim the excess
- Cut off the hackle tip in the rear of the fly
steelhead (sea run)
sea trout (sea run)
Hook | Streamer size 4-6 |
Thread | Tan |
Rib | Copper wire |
Body | Camel wool hair (long fibred, tan) |
Hackle | Cree rooster |
Eyes | Bead chain |
Head | Copper wire |