Published Sep 1. 2015 - 9 years ago
Updated or edited Jan 1. 2016

Perfect Woolly

Articles w/pattern

Raoul Kempkes
Pattern type: 
Wet fly
Skill level/difficulty: 
VMC PS Streamer Hook: Size #6; for me the best saltwater streamer hook out there!
UTC Ultra Thread 140 Denier: A very good thread! Very tear-proof and there is a whole range of colors available (fits to the colors of Krystal Dub & Soft Hackle with Chickabou).
I use 4 mm tungsten beads in various colors which weight and size fits great for my Woollys! They do not give too much weight but cause a nice jigging.
Tail and body hackle
Whiting Soft Hackle & Chickabou: The Woolly Bugger I tie is definitely living from its materials. The Soft Hackle & Chickabou from Whiting is a quiet rare material but very economic and giving perfect results. The Chickabou replaces the Marabo
I use two strips of pearl colored Krystal Flash for the tail. Less is more!
Krystal Dub: The Krystal Dub is used because it is a very fine natural (rabbit) dubbing with a minimum of shiny fibers. The small amount of fibers gives a nice little glimmer when the fly is brushed with Velcro after tying.

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