Published Aug 5. 2022 - 2 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 6. 2022

Skin & Foam Pupa

Articles w/pattern

Nick Thomas
Pattern type: 
Skill level/difficulty: 
  1. Prepare a body as described in the text
  2. Run on the thread on the hook, take down to opposite the point and remove the tag end.
  3. Tie in the body behind the whip finish, wrap forward compressing the foam, lift the front of the body and trim off the waste at an angle.
  4. Tidy up over the cut end and lightly coat the thread wraps with superglue or varnish to lock everything in place.
  5. Tie in a length of 3mm organza, followed by a piece of 4mm wide foam coloured with an olive or brown marker pen.
  6. Dub the thorax, finishing just behind the hook eye.
  7. Fold the foam forward and tie down.
  8. Pull the ribbon over the foam and tie down.
  9. Lift up the foam, smear the thread with varnish and whip finish at the hook eye.
  10. Trim the ribbon close to the thread wraps.
  11. Cut the end of the foam leaving a stub over the eye and colour the cut end.
Fasna F-120 #14
12/0 brown
Detached body
Virtual Nymph 3mm caddis green nymph skin, 2-3mm foam sheet, hollow braid and marker pen
Thorax cover
3mm brown organza ribbon, foam and marker pen
Squirrel dubbing

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