Nick Thomas
- Prepare a body as described in the text
- Run on the thread on the hook, take down to opposite the point and remove the tag end.
- Tie in the body behind the whip finish, wrap forward compressing the foam, lift the front of the body and trim off the waste at an angle.
- Tidy up over the cut end and lightly coat the thread wraps with superglue or varnish to lock everything in place.
- Tie in a length of 3mm organza, followed by a piece of 4mm wide foam coloured with an olive or brown marker pen.
- Dub the thorax, finishing just behind the hook eye.
- Fold the foam forward and tie down.
- Pull the ribbon over the foam and tie down.
- Lift up the foam, smear the thread with varnish and whip finish at the hook eye.
- Trim the ribbon close to the thread wraps.
- Cut the end of the foam leaving a stub over the eye and colour the cut end.
rainbow trout (landlocked)
Hook | Fasna F-120 #14 |
Thread | 12/0 brown |
Detached body | Virtual Nymph 3mm caddis green nymph skin, 2-3mm foam sheet, hollow braid and marker pen |
Thorax cover | 3mm brown organza ribbon, foam and marker pen |
Thorax | Squirrel dubbing |