Published Feb 25. 2024 - 11 months ago

Steel Pin Shrimp

Articles w/pattern

A gammarus (scud) pattern with distinctive legs made using a small DIY tool

Nick Thomas
Pattern type: 
Scud fly
  1. Run on the thread at the eye and take around the bend in touching turns.
  2. Colour the ribbon with an olive marker pen and tie in along the shank with the free end hanging back over the bend.
  3. Tie in five beads of chain along the top of the hook with thread wraps between each of the beads. Colour the beads with a brown marker pen.
  4. Add a little dubbing behind and in front of the beads.
  5. Whip finish, remove the thread and give the exposed thread wraps a light coat of varnish or superglue.
  6. Set up the hook and armature in the vice.
  7. Attach the flex floss to the pin with a couple of overhand knots. Wind the flex floss forward around the fly body and the pin under tension. Secure the end to the pin with a fly clip.
  8. Apply UV-resin along the back and sides and cure to fix the leg loops in place.
  9. Cut the flex floss along the pin, remove the pin and reattach the tying thread.
  10. Fold the organza over the body, tie in and remove the waste end. Whip finish and remove the thread. Colour the head with an olive marker pen.
  11. Add a second layer of UV-varnish to form the final shrimp shape.
Fasna F-120 #12
12/0 tan
1.5mm stainless steel bead chain and natural pine squirrel dubbing
Fulling Mill olive Micro Flex Floss
3mm olive organza ribbon and UV-resin

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