Published Aug 25. 2015 - 9 years ago
Updated or edited Feb 27. 2019

A country house


I think you will fin...

I think you will find houses in bad shape in any country in the world. I know it hurts to see ones country depicted as derelict but it's perfectly normal to find the good and the bad.

Anyway excellent report as usual!! Well done Ripley!!

Sarunas_St's picture

Like Daivas said it ...

Like Daivas said it is a bad sample..
We have a lot of good-looking oldstyle houses in our countryside,some of them are protected like a memorial of the past.
Unfortunately we have some buildings like this but really not a lot.
But people usualy are located in better houses.

bad sample... people...

bad sample... people dont live there...

Hi... Actually - ...


Actually - Yes, this is a common sight in the countryside but a small part of how some live. There are worse but you have to accept that this is there way of life and it's what they are adapted too.
I hope and suppose that in time, funds will slowly reach the countryside and homes like this, so people will live without class difference.
Cities are very advanced and just like any other Euro-metropolis.


does people live the...

does people live there ??