On the left the Grey Frede's and on the right ye Olde Red Tag
It certainly reflects the fact that I have fished the fly a majority of the time.
This year I have fished 8 out of 10 fishing hours on the coast with a Magnus fly, and guess which fly has brought me most fish.
Hint: It's not The Danish Pastry fly... ;-)
Martin, are these number maybe reflected in the fact that the Danish Pastry Fly has been on your leaderpoint for 74 out of 120 hours, or do you really find that it "out-powers" other flies?
I do have a favorite. In the article you will find the following sentences:
Danish Pastry Fly
Some flies just work, and this is one that works for me. Its history has been told here already. One thing, which remains to be told, is that 74 out of the 120 sea trout I have caught during the last three years have been taken on this pattern.
Find a link to the pattern in the article.
Nice page, but have you (for you) the one and only best fly? (seatrout)
I mean the absolut favorite fly for 80% fishing.
Regards and knaek og break from Axel (Germany Kiel)
It certainl
It certainly reflects the fact that I have fished the fly a majority of the time.
This year I have fished 8 out of 10 fishing hours on the coast with a Magnus fly, and guess which fly has brought me most fish.
Hint: It's not The Danish Pastry fly... ;-)
Martin, are these nu
Martin, are these number maybe reflected in the fact that the Danish Pastry Fly has been on your leaderpoint for 74 out of 120 hours, or do you really find that it "out-powers" other flies?
I do have a
I do have a favorite. In the article you will find the following sentences:
Danish Pastry Fly
Some flies just work, and this is one that works for me. Its history has been told here already. One thing, which remains to be told, is that 74 out of the 120 sea trout I have caught during the last three years have been taken on this pattern.
Find a link to the pattern in the article.
Nice page, but have
Nice page, but have you (for you) the one and only best fly? (seatrout)
I mean the absolut favorite fly for 80% fishing.
Regards and knaek og break from Axel (Germany Kiel)