Another smallmouth ready for release
Your article on "yellow fever" and the way its written is a credit to you! It inspires me to start walking some of our rivers that have the species in them....wish we had the largemouth, but that's made up for by the other labeo family. We have tigerfish a-plenty, but I'm sick of them, not that I've caught hundreds on fly tackle, but I want the challenge of species I have not had much success with even on bait....the yellow is one of them. Our Middle Zambezi River is loaded with big purple labeo, and I have tried all means of tempting them with bait..without success. Perhaps with my change from conventional tackle to the fly rod, things will change.
Bob Butson
The Master Angler Tackle Shop
Your article on "yel
Your article on "yellow fever" and the way its written is a credit to you! It inspires me to start walking some of our rivers that have the species in them....wish we had the largemouth, but that's made up for by the other labeo family. We have tigerfish a-plenty, but I'm sick of them, not that I've caught hundreds on fly tackle, but I want the challenge of species I have not had much success with even on bait....the yellow is one of them. Our Middle Zambezi River is loaded with big purple labeo, and I have tried all means of tempting them with bait..without success. Perhaps with my change from conventional tackle to the fly rod, things will change.
Bob Butson
The Master Angler Tackle Shop