Published Aug 25. 2015 - 9 years ago
Updated or edited Feb 27. 2019

The finished bench

The picture shows how flat containers can be stowed under the rear tool holder


Dear sir I have al...

Dear sir
I have always had a problem when tying flies as you never seem to have everything at hand when you need it,I have just made a desk and I am amazed how tidy you can keep everything
Thank you for posting you brilliant idea

A fantastic layout ....

A fantastic layout . I am very imprest with the overall cost and the simplisityof how it has come together it has given me some good ideas.
Now of to BQ all the best tying and flying

My God Ole, This is...

My God Ole,
This is beautiful!
If I'd seen your creation earlier, I'd never have bought the bench I have. Believe it or not, the basic concept is similar, but the (CORRECT) size of yours is far superior to mine. This stimultaes me to do a "remodel/addition" of a sort to my tying bench, but will not ever reach what I can see is a superior approach. Thanks for sharing.


Martin Joergensen's picture

Roger, The base ...


The base is plywood. You have the materials list here.


What is the base ma...

What is the base made out of?

Very novel idea, I p...

Very novel idea, I plan on using idea's from your's to build mine. Many thanks for the info, this is without a doubt the best idea that I ever saw.