Published Jul 12. 2016 - 8 years ago
Updated or edited Jul 12. 2016

Brown Butterfly

This time of the season, we see many butterflies. Often they mistakenly land on the water where fish see them as food. This fly is a brown butterfly tied on a dry hook as follows:

Hook: Dry fly hook size 6
Thread: Black 140 UTC
Legs: Grizzly Flutter Legs Chartreuse Bared Black Rubber
Body: Brown 2 mm foam 18 mm long
Dubbing: Antron Sparkle Root Beer color
Wings: Brown and White Feathers from the Partridge cape
Eyes: Holographic Black

Note: I placed a small dab of UV Fly Finish over the thread between the wings to hold them firmly in place. The eyes were glued using CA Medium glue followed by an Activator to assure permanent placement. CA glue is used more in woodworking, but it works very well for fly tying to. Especially applying eyes in difficult areas. Once the Activator is applied to the CA glue you will never get it apart.
Forestburgh, NY USA

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