Most places where Evergreen trees grow experience "the fall" of the Evergreen Cones. They come in a lot of sizes and pretty much the same shape from different types of Evergreen trees. I end up with tons and tons of the seeded cones every Fall. Like most people, you gather them up and throw them out. I found another use for the smaller cones. The other day I picked a few remaining cones off my lawn and got an idea. I brought in three small cones of different sizes and bathed them in polyurethane 3 coats. I then drilled a small hole down the center of the cone and glued in a small plastic liner tube. Once it was dried, I prepared it like any other "tube" fly adding feathers and Holographic eyes and finally the hook. I wanted to see the reaction if someone came across it, so I put it on the floor of my kitchen next to the kick board of the cabinets. The cleaning lady came into clean and I heard a earth shaking scream and she was yelling for me to come immediately. She was in quite a tither yelling there's a "Cocker Roach" on the floor!! I couldn't help but laugh and picked it up and tried to show here that it was a new fly I made. She wasn't having anything of it. Just yelled get it out of here. Finally, when she calmed down I showed here that it was not real and just another one of my tube flies. We don't have Cocker Roaches where I live and she has never seen one here but "mind over matter" took control and she interpreted as what she feared most. I guess my tube fly passed the human test. Now lets see what the fish think.