Published Feb 27. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 22. 2015

On my birthday

On my birthday

South Fyn


ahhh, of course that...

ahhh, of course that if the fish is dead does not make a difference .... But this is how to hold the fish in the South American is terrible, very ugly! It's a cultural difference, for here the real fly fisherman killed very few fish, there are other fishermen types who kill fish in any situation, unfortunately......

Martin Joergensen's picture

Ernesto, This is ...


This is a dead fish... I doubt it will feel any difference.
Bright Danish seatrout are mostly killed for eating, and this seems to be ready for the pan too.


The fingers in the g...

The fingers in the gills of fish. An ancient practice and damaging! Let's stop this ignorance


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