Published Jan 8. 2007 - 17 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 22. 2015

Seatrout. inspired by M j...

Seatrout. inspired by M joergensens article about taking pictures of jumping fish.
One of my friends shot this pic, and i processed it through PS 2


Hi Randon. The ph...

Hi Randon.

The photo in its real raw image is in fact quite bad, this was the best i could get out of it.
But youre right about the crop, it could be better.
will try harder next time :-)

regards Allan

This is a nice jump....

This is a nice jump. The photo is blured/ shaken. Overall it would probably look better if you zoomed in or cut off all the empty space at the left (try holding a hand over the left half of the pic and see for yourself).
Youg get 4, dude!


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