Published Sep 7. 2005 - 19 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 22. 2015

Spawning fish. I'm not s...

Spawning fish. I'm not sure what it is. If somone knows please leave a comment. I was thinking it kinda looked like a lake run brown or steele.
Sioux River, Wisconsin


I fish the rivers Co...

I fish the rivers Coquet and Tyne in England and caught numberous Brown Trout, and that looks like a Brownie trying to get over shallows or feeding on a hatched insect

I'm not very familia...

I'm not very familiar with a brown trout with a green back and pink stripe down its side but i must be wrong.

Lovely pic, thanks f...

Lovely pic, thanks for sharing it. There is nothing better than a brownie.

Hello, I think this ...

Hello, I think this is a Brown trout getting some bug, great pic.

I fish the sioux a l...

I fish the sioux a lot. Looks like a lake run brown. Nice photo.

It's a brownie!!!!...

It's a brownie!!!!


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