Published Feb 20. 2007 - 17 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 22. 2015

The White

The White

South Sweden


Martin, yep, it i...


yep, it is widely used in Scandinavia for sea trout in saltwater. I am sure it will work for perch and pike as well. The fly you describe sounds cool. Why not upload a photo?


HI Kasper, seems l...

HI Kasper,
seems like an easy to tie fly that will work very good for rainbow trout at midday in the riffles on the rivers of northern Patagonia. Do you use it for sea trout in Scandinavia? I tie a similar fly with lead eyes (rides inverted) with Dark Olive hackle and rusty orange dubbing. I use softex to comb the shank side hackle backwards to imitate a Pancora crab. Will try the white "White" Tight lines, Martin

Kasper Mühlbach's picture

Serge, thank you....


thank you. Rasmus Hansen developed this fly.

Yes, I always use a Rapala knot. It works for even the smallest flies and does not limit the movement of the fly.


HI KASPER nice fly ...

HI KASPER nice fly , is it a good one for sea trout all the time ? do you use a loop knot for all your fishing situations, is it a rapala knot or a surgeon loop.
thanks ,serge


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