This y is the "Golden Sa...
This y is the "Golden Sally" tube fly. The tube I used is a small clear flexible liner tube. I used white 6/0 thread. The body was built using white hackle feathers tied on by the tip and palmered forward to within 1mm from the front tip of the tube. Next, I used golden pheasant cape for the wings and longer strung feathers for the over wing or antennas. The eyes are halographic golden self hadhesive size 3/16" or 5 mm. The head was finished off using Loons UV resin light and set with a laser UV torch. The book is a dry hook size 12. Instead of using a hook tube to fasten the hook to the tube, I heated a scratch awl tip and inserted it into to end of the tube. This process stretched the end of the tube allowing me to set the eye into the tube.
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