Published Dec 13. 2006 - 17 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 22. 2015

Waiting for seatrout at s...

Waiting for seatrout at sunset, on the southern tip of langeland.
Dovns klint,Langeland,Denmark,June 2006.


Thanks Randon,Perhap...

Thanks Randon,Perhaps you'd like to submit some of your pictures to show us mere mortals how it's really done.

Typical amateur faul...

Typical amateur faults when shooting against the sun. Also, the not straight horisont defines this photograph to be a 2. There are programmes available to straighten up the horisont in photographs.
"Retouch" it to be b&w (black and white) and you get 3.
Put an angler in the picture and you're on 4.
Put some action (casting or fish fight) and you hit 5.
Make it a young lady and you're at 6 and the cover of a magazine!


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