Published Jul 13. 2018 - 6 years ago
Updated or edited Jul 13. 2018

Stiff fly lines

Some lines curl
Some lines curl
Nils Folmer Jørgensen

Do you know the feeling of a cold and rainy day, where your fingers are cold, your coffee is cold, fish are not biting, everything is lousy and on top of that you are not able to cast properly? The line is stiff and messy, and might even curl all the time, not wanting to stretch properly.

Well, I cannot do much about the coffee and your fingers, but the casting might not be that lousy. It could be the line, which is just stiff! This makes casting very difficult.

All fly lines are not made of the same material, and some perform better than others when temperatures drop. In some cases just a few degrees can have an impact, but when the weather is freezing, most fly lines have to give up.

You will probably have to invest in a special cold weather fly line in order to cope with that. The line will stay limp and smooth even when the water is one-step-before-ice.
You might also be lucky and locate a fly line in your collection, which is softer than the average. Try them all at room temperature, or leave them outside on a cold day, and feel your way ahead. The one that is most limp and flexible is likely to be the one, which is best suited for cold weather.

First published: 
Sep 14. 2001