Argentinian angler and GFF contributor Pedro Alfredo Miles tells a bit about himself.
After graduating to spinning, was introduced to fly fishing in the seventies by one of the great promoters of fly fishing in Argentina, Mr. Jorge Donovan. Jorge's fly shop was in a flat roofed town house in the center of Buenos Aires and on the roof he had built a casting pool where he taught how to cast a fly whilst our strange antics were observed from the neighboring high rise apartments. Jorge also sold me my first rod, a glass fibre #8 Orvis with a Pfluger Medallist reel with several spools. I still use it from time to time, as it gave me years of great times on the water.
I have had the opportunity of fly-fishing some of the great lakes and rivers of Tierra del Fuego and continental Patagonia. The rivers Grande, Gallegos and Santa Cruz for sea run Browns and Steelhead. In the Santa Cruz River, the only Steelhead river in Argentina, caught a King Salmon, which at the time was a very unusual.
Further north, up against the Andes I have fished the Frei, Futaleufú, Arrayanes, Rivadavia, Puelo, Blanco, Menendez, Chimehuín, Malleo, Aluminé, Limay, Quilquihue, Quillèn, Collón Curá, Nahuel Huapi and others for rainbows, browns, brooks and the indigenous perch.
I have also fly fished for our fresh water Dorado on the Paraná River and many of its tributaries, including the crystal clear waters of the Santa Lucía River and in the Iberá marshes where sight casting for this great game fish is possible.
Married with three children and 7 grandchildren, I am fortunate in that my eldest son is also a fly-fisherman so we have fished together on many occasions.
I am retired and living in the Province of Córdoba where there a several trout rivers and a three hour drive south of the Rio Dulce another great river for Dorado.
I tie my own flies, which allows me to enjoy the sport out of season; and as such am an avid browser of the tying section of Global FlyFisher.
Several years ago, fishing Tierra del Fuego's Rio Grande for sea run Browns, I was introduced to spey casting with a two handed rod which I now use on big rivers as I find it more comfortable for long days of casting large flies.
I have a long bucket list of places to fish in Argentina. Amongst them Strobel Lake (also known as Jurassic Lake) and it's tributary the Barrancoso River for the big and numerous rainbows and the Ekaterina River that flows out of Pearson Lake up against Argentina's border with Chile, into the North arm of Lake Argentino (famous for its glaciers) where King Salmon spawn in this relatively small river, after travelling more than 400 kilometers from the sea up the Santa Cruz River and across Lake Argentino.
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