Videos by Fly tying with Curtis Fry
View as paged thumbs
- ASB Midge Pupa
- Aero Baetis Nymph or Emerger
- Alpha Predator
- Amphibious Damsel Fly
- Arizona Frenchie
- Arizona Prince Nymph
- Articulated Complex Twist Bugger
- Articulated Trout Slider
- Baetis Thorax Dun
- Bass Deflectinator
- Belly Flop Balanced Damsel
- Belly Scratcher Minnow
- Belly Scratcher Sculpin
- Better Elk Hair Caddis
- Big Ben's Brown Bugger (BBBB)
- Bird's Nest
- Bling Leech
- Blingnobyl Ant (Chernobyl variation)
- Bug-Eyed Boodle Streamer
- Build a Better Brassie
- Bunny Midge
- Butt Muncher Carp Fly
- Butthead Attractor Pattern
- CDC & Elk
- Caddis Pupa (multi-toned)
- Callibaetis Comparadun
- Carp Dough Boy
- Cheech's Low Fat Minnow - Bluegill edition
- Cheech's Low Fat Minnow: Perch Flavor
- Chewy Sparkle Pupa
- Chickabugger
- Chimera -- Shape Shifting Fly Pattern
- Chimera Damsel Callibaetis
- Chubby Chernobyl
- ChupaCamarón -- Shrimp Fly
- Classic Bead-Head Pheasant Tail
- Comb-Over Minnow
- Complex Twist Bugger
- Complex Twist Slider
- Cooter Special
- Copper John: Two-Tone Skwala
- Crotcha
- Crystal Killer Bugger
- Deep Dish Callibaetis
- Double "D" (Mating Damsel)
- Double-Wide Cheech Leech
- Easy Simi Seal Leech
- El Crawcito
- El Sculpito -- Sculpin Pattern
- El Sculpito Dos
- Emergent Sparkle Pupa
- Extended Body Salmon Fly
- Eye Placement Tool from the Craft Store
- Fat Sancho
- Fly Tying Class Part #1: Hook Mounting, Attaching Thread & Whip Finishing
- Fly Tying Class Part #2: Tying in Materials
- Fly Tying Class Part #3: Wrapping and Ribbing Bodies
- Flying Black Ant
- Foam Cricket
- Foam Dragon (Bluegill slayer)
- Foam Wing October Caddis
- Fripple 2.0 Baetis Mayfly Cripple
- Fripple, Green Drake version
- Frito's Craw Bouncer
- Green Spot Pheasant Tail
- Grumpy Frumpy
- Gut Bomb Blood Worm
- Gut Bomb Damsel
- Gut Sack Sow Bug
- Hackle Primer
- Hard Body Ant
- Hare's Ear Stonefly
- Higa's SOS
- High-Tie Shad Minnow
- Holo-Buzzer (Chironomid)
- Hot Zebra Midge
- How to tie an extended body
- Huevo Frito -- Alevin Trout Fry
- Ice Wing Caddis
- Ice Wing Caddis Pupa
- Jake the Snake
- Jolly Rancher Chironomid
- Junk Yard Soft Hackle
- La Bomba - Bluegill bomber
- La Ranita: Bluegill Popper
- Lemon Lime Bugger
- Lunch Lady Streamer
- Make Easy Shrimp, Crab or Bug Eyes
- Masked Marauder Stonefly
- Micro Beetle
- Micro Nymph
- Midge Emerger Fripple
- Midge Pupa Soft Hackle
- Mohawk Sculpin
- Mongrel Meat
- Moose Buzzer
- Murica Merkin
- Mylar Prince Nymph
- Ninja Pupa
- Olive Willy
- PMD Extended Body
- Palomino Caddis
- Parachute Mayfly in 2 Minutes
- Partridge & Orange Soft Hackle
- Petite Sirloin Stonefly
- Pre-Poob Damsel by Fly Fish Food
- Purple Haze
- Real Mayfly
- Real. Easy. Mayfly
- Real. Easy. Parachute
- Royal Wulff
- Rusty Mayfly Spinner by Fly Fish Food
- STP Frog Tube Fly
- Saltwater Gurgler
- Serendipity
- Shark Taco Hopper
- Skittle Scud
- Snook Snack
- Snot Goblin
- Squishy Egg
- Stoneflopper
- Synthetic Quill Body Baetis
- The Bearded Lady
- The Cheech Leech
- The Fatty Longtail
- The Mailman (Drake Soft Hackle)
- The Sickada
- The Wooly Bug
- Tomsu's Supreme Hopper
- Turbo Snail by Fly Fish Food
- Twitchy Chicken Soft Hackle Stonefly
- Tying a Better Woolly Bugger
- UM-Butt Sally
- UV Caddis Pupa
- Universal Chironomid
- Unsinkabeetle
- Yong Special
- Zaggin Zook
- Zeph's Water Boatman