Videos by Trout Hunting NZ
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- 35lb Goliath Grouper sight fished ON FLY!
- 365 days of Fishing!!
- Amazing Sight Fishing for Big Trout!
- Amazing water with so many Fish
- Best Cicada Bite Ever
- Best Trout Fishing River In the World? Probably!
- Big Brown Trout and Raft Fishing
- Big Brown Trout caught on Secret Fly
- Big Brown, Epic Water
- Big Fish Crush Dry Flies
- Big Fish from a forbidden river!
- Big New Zealand Trout, exploring new water
- Big Trout From High Country Lake
- Big Trout, Super Clear Water
- Big bull shark on fly rod
- Blind Fishing Flooded Creek For Big Trout!
- Brown trout, dry flies, lost in a forest!
- Catching Mammoth Trout
- Catching Ridiculously Big Mega Trout on Fly!
- Catching huge trout in ultra clear water
- Climbed down huge waterfall to fish
- Crashed!
- Crazy good fishing
- Drifting Nymphs for trout
- Dry flies and a broken fly line
- Epic Fly Fishing For NZ Chrome Trout
- Exploring New Backcountry Water
- Exploring New Water (epic fishing)
- Exploring Ultra Clear water for Big Trout [winner announcement]
- Exploring an Epic River
- FLY Fishing Colorado. Drift Boat style!
- First Cast
- Fish and camp deep in remote back country river
- Fishing For Huge Pre Spawn NZ Trout
- Fishing For Huge Trout in local river!
- Fishing VLOG, Guide + Accommodation.
- Fishing a flooded river during migration
- Fishing and Camping Deep in Remote Forest
- Fishing my Guiding Spots
- Fishing the Backcountry Solo
- Fishing the best trout water I have ever seen
- Fly Fishing Best Trout River I’ve ever Seen - Truck Camping
- Fly Fishing Best river in New Zealand!
- Fly Fishing Big Brown Trout
- Fly Fishing During Pandemic!
- Fly Fishing Epic River
- Fly Fishing Epic clear water River!
- Fly Fishing For Crazy Giant Fish
- Fly Fishing For the Biggest Trout in The World!
- Fly Fishing NZ King Fish + a New Boat?
- Fly Fishing New Zealand Backcountry
- Fly Fishing New Zealand Trout with subscribers
- Fly Fishing Small Pristine South Island High Country Stream. Magic!
- Fly Fishing at its best!
- Fly Fishing for Giant Mega Trout in the Snow!
- Fly Fishing, Drift Boats and Beers
- Fly fishing world famous river for large brown trout
- Guiding USA couple into fish of their dreams!
- High Country Paradise
- How NOT to cross a river... FAIL!!
- How to Spot and catch Trout
- Huge Backcountry PB Trout
- Huge Trout from Man made Canals
- I Fell Off a Cliff!!
- I Totally lied
- Mega Trout caught Fly Fishing!
- Most insane bite of my life!
- My Best Day Fishing!
- My Best Day Fly Fishing EVER!
- My Biggest Fish of the Season.
- My Favorite River in the country
- NZ Trout Fly Fishing opening day!
- NZ Trout and the flies they eat
- Nala the Lab x
- New Zealand Back country Fly Fishing.
- New Zealand Trout fishing Opening Day
- Raft Fishing Epic New Zealand River
- Raft Fly Fishing World Famous Ultra Clear water River!
- Raft fishing Tongariro
- Rainbow in the rain
- River Monster Tries to eat catch and bites angler!
- River of Giants
- Secret New Fly Slays Trout
- Sight Fishing Big Trout in Ultra Clear Water
- Sight Fishing Brown Trout
- Sight Fishing Trout In Clear Water
- Sight Fishing big trout in Tiny Creek!
- Sight fishing New Zealand Brown Trout.
- Sight fishing the best river ever
- Spotting Large Trout in Private Pristine Stream
- Stingray! Riding Fish, caught Fly Fishing.
- Surprisingly Large Trout!
- Swinging Flies for FISH!
- Swinging and drifting
- The Best Fishing from the 2019 season!
- The Best River Ever!
- The Best Trout River in the World. Fishing To Giants!
- The Best Wilderness Fly Fishing for Huge Trout!
- The Day I Fell in Love with Fly Fishing
- The Fishing was better than expected!
- The best trout river ever
- This Micro lure caught all the fish!
- This Simple Fly Saved the DAY!
- Three Methods to Catch Trout
- Tiny Creek provides Epic Dry Fly session!
- Tiny river, Big fish!
- Trout fishing in the Best Water ever!
- Truck Camping
- Two Methods = Lots of fish!
- Two of the biggest fish I have ever seen!
- We caught so MANY!!
- We found Fish
- What a Fish Sees
- Winter Migration