Videos by Tying Tip Team
View as paged thumbs
- Antron shuck on Sparkle Dun
- Basics of Thread Twist
- Compara Dun/Sparkle Dun Wing
- Conserving Thread Wraps
- Controlling Yarn for Shucks
- Damp or dry fingers when Dubbing
- Deer hair wing with butts covered
- Direction of Thread Twist
- Direction to Dub
- Dry Fly Hackle Foundation
- Dry and wet material color
- Elk Hair Caddis Wing
- Feather Anatomy Part 1
- Feather Anatomy Part 2
- Feather selection from a rooster cape
- Feed Dubbing
- Fly tying thread types
- Folding Feathers
- Forking three tails
- Forking two tails
- Hand Stacking Bucktail
- Loop Dubbing
- Loosening matted dubbing
- Peacock herl basic anatomy
- Peacock herl left barbs wound toward the bend
- Peacock herl right barbs wound toward the eye
- Peacock herl tied in by barb tips
- Removing hair from a stacker
- Reverse Jam Hitch
- Scales on hair and fur
- Separating Antron and Zelon
- Split Thread Dubbing
- Stacking Bucktail Using a Hair Stacker
- Stacking Calf Tail
- Stacking Deer, Elk & Moose
- Standard Dubbing
- Synthetic wing Sparkle Dun & Comparadun
- Tapering dubbing on a Compara Dun
- Thread Rib
- Thread Trap
- Tool Tip: Bobbin Holder Threader
- Tool Tip: Bodkin Cleaning
- Tool Tip: Dubbing Teasers
- Tool Tip: Dubbing Twisters
- Tool Tip: Hair Stackers
- Tool Tip: Lead Shear
- Tool Tip: Sharpening Scissor Tips
- Tool tip: Polishing the Bobbin Holder Tube
- Touch Dubbing
- Trailing Shuck
- Twisted Body
- Tying off material
- V-wing
- Where to tie on a dry fly hackle
- Whip Finish By Hand
- Whip Finish with dubbing
- Winding a folded feather