Published Jan 1. 2001 - 24 years ago
Updated or edited Mar 11. 2023

Review ratings

How we rate stuff in our reviews

These are the ratings that we use for our hard judgement of the material we receive or buy for our reviews. We use a scale from zero (0) to seven (7) - zero being the lowest and seven being the best.

We rate books and DVDs in with one score on the 0-7 scale.



Stinks - don't touch it!
Products which are absolutely useless and which we cannot recommend. This is not a grade we use very often.



Not good - can be ignored
A product which basically is lousy, but might be found useful by a few people - the rest of us can just ignore it.



Below average - only for die hard fans
Products which are not particularly good, but will have some fans, while the rest of us can pick it up on sale at the end of the season.



Average - No harm done
Average product which you can safely buy, and no one will ever blame you.



Above average - good and useful
A good product worth spending money on. It's well made and will serve its purpose well.



Excellent - Highly recommended
Get a fiver and you're on top! This is an excellent product which everybody would be happy to own. It might be on the expensive side, but it's worth the price.



Global class - Brilliant!
This is an outstanding product which will be the envy of your fly fishing and fly tying friends. Often expensive, but not necessarily so.



Xtra Global Class! - Simply the best!
This an unsurpassed product which will be hard to improve. It's the best that money can buy - and it can cost a lot of money, even though it doesn't have to.


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