So there will be a GFF Summit this year! At long last Martin Joergensen has found the time to get some facts together and start working on the dates and practicalities. It will be in September and take place on Fyn, Denmark like last year,
It's that time again. During the weekend September 21st, 22nd and 23rd 2007, the doors will be open to a fish-in with fellow GFF writers, editors and readers.
The second Annual GFF Summit.
Last year we had a great time fishing the waters on Fyn, and hanging around chatting, eating having a beer and a good time.
I have been asked several times to repeat this arrangement, and at long last I have found the time to set something up. Since we had good success with both weather, accommodation and fishing last September, I have decided to pretty much copy the setup from last year.
So we may decide to stay in Odense on Fyn like last year. I will try to book the same hostel, which was a nice place with very fair prices. We have the coast nearby for almost any type of weather, and if you drive about an hour, you will be in an area with lots of nice streams for brown trout, grayling and even sea trout or salmon if you are so inclined.
The program
The program will essentially be as last year:
Friday afternoon:
greeting and cavorting,
dinner in town or night fishing depending on temper.
breakfast at the hostel,
off to the water: coast or stream depending,
lunch by the water,
fish even more,
return to hostel,
fly tying, picture show and a cosy evening
breakfast at the hostel,
off to the water: coast or stream depending,
lunch on the water,
goodbye's are said
more fishing,
and it's every man for himself
Free of charge
Participation will again be free of charge, meaning no fee. You will have to bring yourself to the venue, and you will have to pay for a bed with breakfast and pay if you want to participate in our Saturday night dinner and sharing a waterside lunch with the rest of us will also cost you a bit. We can arrange with the hostel to allow us to make sandwiches, but I suggest we repeat last year's success: bags of fresh groceries bought in a local super market and devoured on the beach.
The price for last years summit was only about 6-700 DKK or about 100 Euros for two nights, dinner and lunch. Apart from that we spent money on a dinner in town and drinks - and transport of course. So it was not an expensive trip.
I expect the price level to be the same this year, but will check the final prices as soon as I get an idea about the number of people.
Last year we shared rooms 8 people in each room, and apart from a bit of snoring, that seemed to work out fine. The hostel has both large and small rooms, and if any one wants separate rooms, let me know. That can probably be arranged for a small extra charge.
So to repeat myself from last year: Any takers? Drop me a mail on and I'll start building a list of participants and get this thing rolling.
I have started a special forum for this event on our forums page.
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Hi Martin and friend
Hi Martin and friends
I have finally arranged that it is posiible to join you all at the summit friday and saturday.
Is it still posible to sign up?
Is there a place to put up a tent nearby?
Regards Ivar Thordal
Well, the fact of th
Well, the fact of the matter is...
There are so many sea trout around at the moment due to the mild summer, cooler weather and low sea temperatures that it looks like it will be a bumper GFF summit - just like last year.
I'll try not to catch them all before you guys arrive!!!
I DID IT (the flight
I DID IT (the flight booking) !!! Happyness.................
Hi everyone,
Hi everyone,
I'm really looking forward to the Summit with fellow flyfishers.
Are you mobile with a spare seat, I would be happy to share the travelexpences with you.
I can be reached at 20 280 240 / 39 40 20 16 or submitted email.
I live just outside af Copenhagen.
Looking forward to hearing from you :-)
Tight lines till we meet
Hi Martin - again,
Hi Martin - again,
I am working a setup for joining you all late saturday evening on some good looking stretch of danish coastline, and staying until the "the end" sunday. I can give you a final answer in a day og two.
No problem
No problem! Just join us wherever we wind up. Contact information will be posted later.
Hi Martin,
What a
Hi Martin,
What are the possibilities for only participating for 1 day - like sunday or so?
Marck, DK
Hi everyone,
Hi everyone,
I'm an Englishman living in Oslo, Norway and I'm interested in attending the GFF 2007 Summit. I was just wondering whether there was anyone else from Norway planning on attending, if so perhaps we could travel together?
Any angle
Any angler from any country would be more than welcome! Having an Argentinean would be some treat! We have people coming if from as far away as Moscow as it is right now, so soon we can span the planet...
Hi Guys, do you acce
Hi Guys, do you accept an Argentinean? I speak English und kann ein bischen Deutsh auch! Would it be enough to have fun?
Maybe its' better fo
Maybe its' better for each participant to tie one favourite fly and we can compile one box for the individual that catches the largest sea trout over the weekend?
A relaxed, mini competition-kind-a-prize?
Isn't that better?
We even could do a "totally skunked I caught sod all" prize.
@ all ... I like the
@ all ... I like the idea of Kasper in regard of the summit flybox, would be a real nice piece to remember or to be used as samples for your own tying experiments or just good for fishing or or or...
@ Jesper: Can understand your point but until September 21st is quite some time left. Try to kick yourself. I believe there is also no need for everybody to tie his most complicated favourite - I assume everybody has at least two or three.
great ide
great idea, so I'm in. I think I'll have to start tying right now, because of my hollydays.
Sweden and Denmark, please keep that in mind!
Summit 2007 Flyswap
Summit 2007 Flyswap sounds a great idea to me, though we don't catch sea-trout in the sea here so its difficult to have a favourite. However, I'll think of something x21 (or however many). Maybe tie you all a bass-fly!
That's going to be a
That's going to be a lot of flies, 21 people and counting, it's the same amount of flies i use in a 3 year period. It's my luck that i've got a new favorite fly ;o)
Kidding aside i'll have to pass on this otherwise great idea, because i haven't tied so many flies (alltogether) the last two years, and i'm a bit to lazy to sit my a.. down and tie 25 dark honeys :o) it will take two much af my mullet fishing time. :o)
Looking forward to seeing you all on Fyn.
Regards Jesper
I'm in on
I'm in on that one, I have a personal favourite: a magnus with some blue dubbing in the body and a purple teal front-hackle. I've caught my last several Seatrouts on that fly (very few exceptions) all through winter and up until a couple of weeks ago.
Anybody else in on this one?
GFF '07 fly box.
GFF '07 fly box.
There's a promotional item. Great idea. Should we get that going?
Each participant ties his or her favourite fly and hand them out.
What about T-shirts?
Kasper's full of ideas.
Hi Kasper,
Sounds l
Hi Kasper,
Sounds like a good idea, I have already tied up a few for Ripley and Steve, they will have to try them on thier friday trip.
( I dont believe they will do as well as last year)
Good to see yo
Good to see you're up for another Summit! Keep a fly or two for me - your last one worked the trick on my leader.
Look after that squirrel!
good point.
good point.
Maybe we should all tie enough of our favorite fly to give one to each participant and we will all have a Summit Fly Box 2007?
Kai's fly does work.
Kai's fly does work. I have seen it in action and snapped the picture to boot!
He might turn up with a box full of his winners but I'm darned sure he won't be leav'in with em!!!
Hi Nan,
hi Les,
Hi Nan,
hi Les,
it's very good to hear that you are going to join in!
But you don't have to fish in the cages, Rip and Steve had fished the first day last year.
I've tied a brand new fly, of witch Paul after our last trip said: "If I had that fly in my box,
it was surely the last thing I want to have on the end of my leader!"
But it catches - that's proven for sure.
Looking forward to see you all again!
errr - probabl
errr - probably! What are you on?
Hi Les & Nan,
Hi Les & Nan,
It would be an absolute pleasure for you to join Steve and myself on the Friday. The cages will be fully stocked and bursting at the welds.
We can arrange any details closer to the date.
By the way...It's your drinks round isn't it?
I might come
I might come with you guys on the Friday this year - to find out where you hide those cages...
How can I prepare better for this year... Bring a shark-rod? I think I'll get some lessons instead! Looking forward to it.
Here's to friends old and new.
Hey Les,
My missi
Hey Les,
My mission is to get you something bigger this year. Remember the cub / scout motto?
Be prepared!!!
After last year's su
After last year's success, both fishingwise and even more importantly, the friendly atmosphere, I am not surprised to see so many of last year's participants already signed up.
Looking forward to see you all.
I am very interested
I am very interested in participating but this year it's impossible as we have the World Tuscany Open which is a correspendence Fly Tying competion and the prize giving will take place in those exact days!! I will be participating as part of the Italian Bamboo Rodmakers Association.
However, I will make a point of being there next year so that I can meet you all and especially see my good friend Kasper again!!
Moreno Borriero
We are interested in
We are interested in coming again this year. please include us.
Les and Nan Austin
Count the Godfather
Count the Godfather in :)