Look at the three web pages below. What you see at first glance are three classical money-making-scheme sites. Anybody who has been on the web for a while will be familiar with these. They basically promise you that you can earn a fortune doing close to nothing. They all promise you that they have absolutely nothing to do with Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and they all make money for their owners and not for those poor people who sign up.
But take a closer look at the middle one...
Lo and behold!
If it doesn't promise you better fishing!
Not more money, but more fish!

It targets nymphing and promises all kinds of smart ways to become a better nymph fisherman. It uses all the techniques and styles employed by the usual money-making-sites, and has certificates, check lists and will give you free advice at sign-up, money-back-guarantees and all the usual hustle that these sites typically offer.
This is something new! Can it be a nymph fishing money scam?
I stumbled on a link to this site while surfing a US fly-fishing site. I clicked on the ad because it linked to a book that I had never heard of before.
It immediately stirred my interest, and I'm going to contact this guy and try to get a review copy. I won't link to the site before that, because I have my guards fairly high when it comes to scams such as the two shown to the left and to the right.
The middle one might be true and there might be a great book behind it all. I'll try to find out.
Stay tuned.
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