In the beginning fishing was a question of getting food. I mean back in the early ages of humanity. The original reason for trying to get fish to bite a hook and haul them in, was to kill the fish and bring it home to eat it.
Quite a few anglers till consider this the main purpose of fishing, and I am personally among those who bring home fish regularly – when I catch something that is…
Because catching nothing, getting skunked, is a part of the game. You are playing nature here, not golf. In golf the holes don’t move, and even though conditions like the weather can influence your results, the holes stay put, and it’s up to your skills to hit them.
Not so with fish. They move. One day they are there, next day they are gone. Sometimes they are there, but don’t want to bite. Sometimes they want to bite, but are very picky, and sometimes they do bite, but won’t stick. Like if the holes on the green opened and closed based on random mood, and your golf ball popped out of the hole again after a perfect put.
Not so with fish. They move.
So not catching anything is a part of the game. Does that mean that a fishing trip with no catches is a bad fishing trip? No of course not! Every angler knows that. I know very few anglers who after a trip with no fish trips will say “Rats! I should have staid home...”. Most anglers enjoy every minute of their time out, catching or not. Sure, we enjoy a successful trip more than an empty handed one, but I know people who have gotten skunked on dozens of trips in a row, and still got up early and left for yet another fishing trip, driving through the dark to another potentially empty day… Been there. Done that!
So why would we go with the outlook of not catching a thing?
Steve Schweitzer
Personally I go because I enjoy being out. It’s an old cliche, but most outdoors people, be it hunters, bird watchers, people who sail, mountain bikers, hikers – or anglers – will agree: it’s just great to be out. Fresh air, nature, weather, environment, things like seeing wildlife, taking a nap on the bank, being with good friends.
I have been on many trips where the memorable part was a waterside meal, a great talk with a good friend or even the car ride there or back where you typically chat and jest on the way out, and sit in a kind of meditative state on the way back.
No, getting skunked isn't fun, but it's not a catastrophe either.
And on the next trip it will be a fish Bonanza!
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