Fish early and late
This has been a strange spring. All March was icy and cold, and the usual daytime fishing was almost non-existent. The spring broke with a bang, and fishing exploded yielding dozens and dozens of fish the the fishers on the right spot at the right time. That lasted for one week or so, and the all the suddenly it was over. The best spots in the fjords were overrun by people, and a good time was had by most.
Traditionally that part of the season leads to a period with very good - and easy - daylight fishing on the open coasts. But not so this year. People I talk to who have been fishing in the daytime tell me that there are no fish. I had a go at both eastern and northern Seeland for sea trout with no fish in sight. The only time I saw fish was after sunset in the fjords.
Early summer is here
The water temperatures are up. Most places seem to be 5-8 deg. C right now, and that combined with the long, light and sunny days will put down the trout during the day. So right now it's sunup and sundown that are the best times for fishing. 'The golden hour' is a term generally used for the hour during sundown that's known to be very productive in the early summer.
The water is still clear as crystal, so use flies with a certain discression: Bjarke, Magnus, Frede and more.
I had some very good fjord fishing with a couple of muddlers that were so dry that they fished on the surface. The high floating, splashing fly really seemed to attract the trout.
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